

Why Fortnite fans should be playing Team Rumble

Why Fortnite fans should be playing Team Rumble
Trevor Hutchins

Trevor Hutchins

  • Updated:

If you haven’t heard, Fortnite re-released one of its greatest innovations: Team Rumble!

New to Fortnite and want to get into the thick of things quickly, and stay in there? Try team rumble. Are you Fortnite enthusiast who can’t seem to catch up with the new skills and thrills? Try team rumble. Are you a Fortnite veteran that’s looking for a good arena to battle the noobs? Try team rumble! Hey, the beginners need steel to sharpen them, right?

But anyway, the point stands: there are too many reasons for players to head into team rumble. Let’s get into them!

Why Fortnite fans should be playing Team Rumble

The Pros

It’s, like, really fun, yo!


If we’re going to mention the reasons to play team rumble, why wouldn’t we start off with the first?

It’s a ton of fun.

Whereas vanilla Fortnite Battle Royale turns into a sweaty fight for the finish line, Team Rumble places two large teams against each other in an ongoing battle to reach 150 kills together. Basically…it’s a game for points! Think Call of Duty’s team deathmatch or Halo’s team slayer.

Now, this probably means team rumble technically shouldn’t fit into the Battle Royale category, but we’re not going to complain. We love the rumble game type as a fresh escape from the stress of normal Battle Royales.

Of course, there are more reasons aside from fun…

Getting in the fight, staying there


It’s been said many times and many ways: fighting experience improves Fortnite skills!

When the game first released, this required enormous load times to get into a game and land on the battlefield, after which a good chunk of time your time was spent collecting loot, after which you entered a relatively short battle where you either crushed a noob in no time flat or died because someone knew how to build better.

Things have changed.

Team rumble’s system allows you to respawn immediately after being killed. Better yet: you keep all build materials, weapons, equipment, and ammunition held before death. There are literally no penalties other than giving the other team a point and the time taken for respawning. The moment that’s over, you’re fighting again!

Now, you might be saying: “Hey Trev, we can already do that in creative with our friends. What makes rumble so much better?” Well…

Team rumble more accurately simulates the feel of a real game: you’re on the battlefield, running from the storm with a limited number of materials, fighting a randomized roster of other players with varying skills and techniques. Nothing else comes so close to Fortnite BR while providing the excellent practice environment expected of Creative mode.

Don’t believe us? Give it a try! You can join the central battle in a rumble match and enter the most chaotic of build battle ever. You can stay on the fringes and engage in a sniper battle with more chances to shoot enemies than ever before. Play to your own style, engage, and experiment!



Gathering materials can get really old!

Players who aren’t beating others on the reg (and who can be expected to do that with a normal work schedule, when playing for reasonable hours in the afternoon after work or school) will find themselves essentially gathering materials for others. Fortnite rumble plays by a different status quo:You keep your entire inventory after dying.

Also, you gather more materials with every strike. Where you would’ve taken 30 wood from trees before, expect numbers in the mid-40s. With a little bit of work in the beginning, you can have full materials in every section!

Chests hold more healing items than ever. You’re never at a loss for bandages, shield pots, slurp juices, and more! And hey, even if you run out, you can always die and come back in at full health, minus your shields.

How to describe it properly? Rumble is a crescendo: most Fortnite games begin with a slog, followed by short battles in-between. But thanks to the equipment system, every game of team rumble feels like “Avengers: Endgame;” a nonstop battle gets more and more epic.

The Con

Lost Prestige


Let’s be honest, wins in any team game (even squads, to some degree) aren’t really considered wins: if you can’t solo, it doesn’t count, right?

But here’s the thing: if you’re playing Fortnite or any other game for prestige…why? Why are you doing that? These games are called games because they’re intended to be fun, competitive, and enjoyable for the players. Don’t feel any pressure to get solo wins to increase your gamer cred!

Now…if you’ve made video game playing into your job (hello, streamers), we’d like to note that even some of the best streamers warm up with a game of team rumble. Give yourself a small break, mix it up, have a good time!


We hope you enjoyed reading and decided to give team rumble a try! We default to a rumble game before Battle Royale matches now, and hope that rumble never leaves the roster. If you’re looking for good practice, a good time, or a good break from the stress, you know where to go!

Oh, and here’s our little parting gift: a video from Fortnite Rumble’s Past, a heartwarming 60-kill game from Tyson Burns, AKA Burnsie.

Yeah, that’s a lot of kills.

Trevor Hutchins

Trevor Hutchins

Trevor Hutchins writes screenplays, novels, and articles from his home in La Mirada, California. He self-published hist first novel, 'Wynden's Legacy,' on Amazon in May of 2017 and hasn't stopped writing since.

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