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Customer Services Courses for FREE

Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

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In one of the fastest-growing industries, Customer Service professionals are creative problem-solvers, customer genies and the face of the organisation. With a projected 10% increase in job growth over the next 10 years, Customer Service is not only a flourishing industry, but also a rich and rewarding career path with endless possibilities.

Feeling inspired? Whether you’re looking to sharpen your customer service skills, or starting fresh on this journey, Alison offers a wide range of courses to help you build the foundational skills you need to give you the “Happy to Help” edge!

Customer Services Courses for FREE

Specialisation #1 Customer Service Training

Customer Service Training Start Learning
This course from Alison introduces the basic concepts of customer service and dives into effective customer service techniques and practices. It will benefit anyone who deals directly with a business or organization’s customers.

Diploma in Customer Service Start Learning
Providing excellent customer service is essential to the long-term viability of every business, and this Diploma course explains the techniques used to turn one-time customers into life-long customers.

Specialisation #2 Managing Customers

Managing Customers Using Technology Start Learning
The course begins by introducing you to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) fundamentals and why the customer must be at the centre of any business. You will learn about the four stages of CRM and what is involved in each of the stages.

Customer Relationship Management in Business Services Start Learning
The course begins by showing you how fluctuating demand from customers for a service can be addressed by businesses by managing capacity within the service process they offer to their customers. You will then learn how businesses can use marketing elements to shape demand patterns for a service.

Specialisation #3 Communication Skills

Diploma in Business Communication Skills Start Learning
The course introduces the principles of written communication. You will learn that preparation is key for successful writing and will allow you express your thoughts in a clear, concise and efficient manner. You will learn about writing styles, how to use a planning checklist for business writing, and which writing style is most appropriate for business communication.

Diploma in Communication Skills Start Learning
Learn about the art of communication, perception, group dynamics, and persuasion by studying the course Diploma in Communication Skills. The course will look at the impact which these soft skills can have upon your daily life if used effectively.

Customer Service not for you?

Check out the Top 10 careers in 2018 to find your dream career!

Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

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