

Siri + Safari = Your Perfect Pair: How to Tailor Your iPhone’s Recommendations to Your Needs

Curated recommendations according to our preferences

Siri + Safari = Your Perfect Pair: How to Tailor Your iPhone’s Recommendations to Your Needs
David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

  • Updated:

Thanks to Safari’s Siri suggestions we can quickly and conveniently access certain websites without having to go to bookmarks or searches. A system of recommendations that learns from our tastes, but to which we can offer a little help to better adapt to our day to day.


Customizing fonts and omitting certain web sites

As we have already said, the system is based on the use we make of Safari, always fully respecting our privacy, to show us recommendations. Anyway we can customize to some extent the information we see in this section because we can choose to stop receiving suggestions from a particular website to make it disappear completely and also stop receiving suggestions from our bookmarks or reading list so that the system focuses more on the browsing history.

This customization can be done from our iPhone, iPad or Mac and the steps are practically the same, let’s see them:

  1. We open the Safari app on our iPhone, iPad or Mac.
  2. Tap the “+” button to open a new tab. On the iPhone we must first tap the tabs button (two overlapping squares).
  3. We look for the Siri Suggestions section.
  4. We press and hold on the suggestion we want to edit. In the case of the Mac we right-click.
  5. We choose between Suggest less from Bookmarks, Suggest less from “Reading list” or Do not suggest this website.

With a few times performing these same steps we can actually train the recommendation engine to better adapt to our tastes and show more relevant content for our day to day life.

The truth is that in general Siri’s recommendations in Safari hardly need customization, very much in line with the predictive keyboard of our iPhone, although on occasion, especially if for some reason we have been visiting a certain website a lot and no longer want to see it again, it is useful to be able to communicate it quickly to the system. In addition to being able to delete the browsing history, instead of having to wait for Siri to realize that we no longer visit it, a simple click will make it disappear.


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David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

Architect | Founder of | Apple Technologies Trainer | Writer at Softonic and iDoo_tech, formerly at Applesfera

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