

Medieval Wi-Fi

Medieval Wi-Fi
Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

  • Updated:

Source: Courtesy of WiSpire

From the Future is Now to the Future is Yesterday. The UK has been faced with a very British problem for a while now. Brits living in rural areas and small villages have been living with little, or sometimes even zero, broadband connection to the internet. In an advanced economy, this is nothing short of a scandal and the powers that be have finally come up with a solution to the problem. A very British solution.

The British government has struck up a deal with the Church of England that’ll see rural churches being hooked up using fiber optic cables and then fitted with wireless transmitters, cell towers, aerials, and satellite dishes. With over 10,000 rural Anglican churches in England, the scheme has the potential to connect up to a million homes that currently have no access to fast broadband.

If this story wasn’t British enough, the Church of England is being advised to work with organizations like Historic England, and The Bat Conservation Trust to ensure that the laying of the fiber optic cables doesn’t affect the surroundings of all the churches. Other considerations being taken into account include the wellbeing of nested Swifts and the root systems of trees around the churches. One thing not taken into account, however, is whether God will take this opportunity to spam internet users with pop-up ads for an eternity in paradise.

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