
How To

Now you can search for jobs directly on Google

Now you can search for jobs directly on Google
Maria Baeta

Maria Baeta

  • Updated:

Google has done it again. By now, the only thing it can’t help you find is your lost car keys. In addition to turning up search results for movie showtimes, flights, and almost everything else you’d want to know, now you can check for job openings.

To job hunt on Google, just use words like “work” or “job” + the field or profession you’re interested in. This will give you related results in your location.

For example, I searched “photographer jobs” and Google showed me related job openings in the Chicago area:

You can also do a generic search, like “jobs,” which will give you results of all kinds and filters to specify the sector and other info.

If we go to the detail page of any opening, we can read all the info, see other related openings and check openings with different filters.

We should note that Google’s solution doesn’t replace current job openings on platforms (such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and Linkedin), but rather aggregates all the info onto the same site, so you don’t have to go from page to page hunting for jobs.

This Google job search is similar to what Skyscanner does with flights or Trivago with hotels: it compiles different offerings from the most popular sites in the same place. So, to get more info on a job opening, Google will redirect you to the page where it’s posted.

What are your favorite online job hunting resources? Let us know with a comment below!

Maria Baeta

Maria Baeta

My first computer was an Amstrad CPC 6128 and so began my love for gadgets. Besides tech and games I love music (I'm a singer in two bands of swing, jazz and blues), cinema (watching and writing about it), gastronomy (cooking... but above all eating!) and alternative fashion. Do you follow the cult of The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Great, I'm sure we can get along.

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