

Problems when you try to delete yourself from a website? Try

Problems when you try to delete yourself from a website? Try
Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

  • Updated:

Do you want to unsubscribe from Facebook, Skype, or Amazon? tells you how to delete your account from dozens of popular sites and web portals.

Opening an account is easy. Just create a username and password, enter data, and you’re done.

The problems begin when you want to unsubscribe from these services.

Sometimes it’s quick and easy. Sometimes, however, it seems near impossible. You can search for helpful information, but can’t find any. You navigate to the site you’re trying to unsubscribe from and you can’t find any instructions. And sometimes it’s because they don’t exist. is a website that contains the instructions to unsubscribe from nearly 250 (at the time this article was written) web services. The steps to be followed are written in a clear and simple way.

Some of the sites from which you can unsubscribe using are, Amazon, Dropbox, eBay, Foursquare, iTunes/Apple ID and PayPal. The list is extensive, and growing.

The interface is clear, and the sites from which you can unsubscribe are listed in alphabetical order. To locate what you’re interested in, you can also use the search engine.

The level of difficulty of the unsubscribe process for each site is marked with a color ranging from green (easy) to yellow (medium) to red (difficult) and, finally, to black (impossible).

For each service, there’s a direct link to the log-in page and that’s always the first step required to unsubscribe.

Clicking Show information displays the relevant instructions.

To choose the language, just click on the flag in the upper left and select your preferred language. is an excellent idea, a genuinely helpful service, and is designed with flair and attention to usability, although for now, the explanations for unsubscribing are not available for all the sites listed. Save it to your browser favorites today.

Original article written by Pier Francesco Piccolomini for Softonic IT.

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