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Softonic Solutions Guide

Softonic Solutions Guide
Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

  • Updated:

Softonic Solutions

What is Softonic Solutions?

Welcome to Softonic Solutions, the place to get real people’s top recommendations about anything!

How does it work?

Softonic Solutions is a crowd-sourced Q&A online community where you can seek or give advice to users like you.

If you have a problem, just ask the community for the ‘best solutions’ to solve it. If you are an expert, or you have enough experience, recommend your solution. If you have a problem you need solved or you have the expertise to help others, Solutions can be a valuable tool to make your life easier.

How can I post a question?

On Softonic Solutions, people can ask questions like What are the best resources for learning to play guitar? or What are the best wireless headphones for the gym?

How many times have you wondered (or Googled): “What are the best ways/ tools/services/movies/books/software programs/Android apps/online courses/etc.”? The answers are always hidden in long articles (is it trustworthy?) or tangled in an endless discussion thread (you don’t have time to waste!).

If you have a question to ask, just come to Softonic Solutions and click on ASK A QUESTION. Enter whatever you want to know. If compliant with our Content and Community Policy, it will be published on the site in the next few hours.

Solutions Question

The answers are solutions, products or services, provided by other users like you. They are presented in structured lists that are live-ranked by other users who are able to recommend them by upvoting or downvoting; this way, the list will always present the very best solutions to a problem at the top.

How do I receive answers to my questions?

Softonic Solutions is meant to be a place where you can navigate through ordered and structured lists of products, services or solutions and, with a quick glance, decide the one you want to trust and try.

When your question goes live, it will be visible to the rest of the users and, whenever any of them offer an answer for you, you will be notified.

Scroll down our question page, get the solution/s you prefer, and follow the link with a simple click.

Users will also have the chance to comment and, by following and participating in the conversation, the right decision will find you.

Getting advice from experts and/or experienced users is as simple as that!

How can I help and recommend a solution?

If you have the experience or the expertise to answer a user question, help in just a few clicks!

When you see a category where you can weigh in with an answer and you don’t see your solution already listed, just click the “Add a Solution” button. 

Add Solution

If the solution is already listed, you can contribute with your experience by adding a comment and joining the conversation. Share your opinion about the solution other users have suggested. Don’t be shy! Say what you think or just tell us your story!

Finally, you can also simply downvote or upvote a solution! If you wish to support the solution as one of the best answers to a specific question, just click the upvote button. A downvote will nudge the proposed solution down the list.


How can I recommend my own products?

If your solution can answer one of our users’ question, you are more than welcome to help the community by clicking on “Add a Solution”: Just provide the name, the URL, and a comment, and your solution will go through our moderation process. If compliant with our Content and Community Policy and relevant to the question, it will be published on the site and as an answer to the question in the next few hours.

When trying to answer a question, you may find your solution suggested in a dropdown list (like shown in the image below). That means that your product is already in our catalog of solutions. Go ahead with your submission as your recommendation will be submitted as an answer to that specific question.

What if I’m the owner of a product listed on Softonic Solutions?

If your product is on Softonic Solutions… congratulations! It means that a user has recommended it as a useful resource to answer a user’s question.

You can still participate and contribute with your expertise by adding your product to other lists with the intention of helping users find the best solutions to their needs. Moreover, users have the possibility to comment on each use case of your product: join the direct conversation with them!

For more information, please visit our Community Guidelines.

Ready to contribute? Start now!

Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

Editorial Guidelines