
How To

The 10 Golden Rules Of A Successful Manager

Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

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Successful management is a combination of team building, delegating at the right time, and ensuring job satisfaction of your employees.

Are you in a Manager position? Would you like to lead a team? Set yourself apart and become an awesome Manager with these 10 golden rules.

The 10 Golden Rules Of A Successful Manager

#1: Set clear goals and expectations

What, when, where, and why

“Make more sales” is ambiguous. You need to be clear and well-defined, like “increase sales in June by 10% compared to May”.

#2: Be approachable

Have an open door policy

Keep channels open and encourage your team to talk to you when there’s an issue.

#3: Build positive work relations

Maintain a good rapport

Embrace your role as a leader by providing a friendly, positive and inspiring environment.

#4: Be available

Provide support when needed

Guide employees when they are stuck and provide support, to help them learn and grow.

#5: Encourage opinions & ideas

Create a culture of innovation

Motivate employees to share ideas and involve them in decision-making processes, leading to both the company’s and their own personal growth.

#6: Acknowledge good work

Recognition is the key to motivation

Be it a simple ‘thank you’ note or an extensive email acknowledging good work, appreciating employees for a job well done is important.

#7: Help people enjoy work

Make workdays enjoyable

You don’t need a dedicated day like “Freaky Friday” to make this happen. Simple surprises like an appreciation email or a casual conversation, can go a long way.

#8: Communicate effectively

Engage better

Cultivate positive workplace situations and foster healthy interpersonal relations.

#9: Remain transparent

Your key to building trust

Trust and transparency go hand in hand. Teams function better when their leader is transparent about both the pros and cons of situations

#10: Be an Example

An archetype of a Manager

“Do as I say, not as I do” doesn’t work! Lead by example by being a positive role model in all situations.

Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

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