
How To

The Complete Fortnite Weapons Guide: Explosives

The Complete Fortnite Weapons Guide: Explosives
Alex LaFreniere

Alex LaFreniere

  • Updated:

Fortnite: Battle Royale is a chaotic fight for survival against as many as 100 ruthless opponents. If you hope to survive and achieve the coveted Victory Royale, you need to make sure that you’re better equipped than the competition. With a huge arsenal of weapons to choose from, it can be tough to make split-second decisions about what to take with you and what to leave behind. We’ll do the work so that you don’t have to, with an in-depth examination of each weapon in Fortnite. For this guide, we’ll be looking at explosives.

Fortnite: Battle Royale Download Fortnite: Battle Royale

One overarching rule to remember when it comes to Fortnite’s weapons: all guns in the game are available in varying levels of rarity, ranked based on a color system. Refer to the list below to see each level, and make sure you go for rare guns whenever you find them.

Common- Grey

Uncommon- Green

Rare- Blue

Epic- Purple

Legendary- Orange


Fortnite Grenade
Fortnite Grenade

Rarities: Common

Damage Per Shot: 105

Ammo Type: N/A

Magazine Capacity: 10

Description: The classic grenade is a battlefield staple, the bread and butter of any arsenal. It’s an easy to use weapon with no frills. Simply toss at anything you want to go boom and repeat as necessary. The resulting explosion is powerful and effective, and can take out any structures or enemies caught in the blast radius. You can carry a hefty load of 10 in a stack, so if you find yourself in a sticky situation, simply saturate the area with grenades and watch the fireworks.


Fortnite Clinger
Fortnite Clinger

Rarities: Uncommon

Damage Per Shot: 100

Ammo Type: N/A

Magazine Capacity: 10

Description: A variation on the standard grenade, the Clinger has a giant suction cup attached to it. Clingers won’t roll along the ground like a standard grenade. Instead, they’ll attach to whatever you throw them at with a satisfying popping sound. This includes other players. If your enemies find themselves with a Clinger attached to them, the only thing they can do is accept their inevitable doom. Like regular grenades, Clingers can be carried in stacks of 10 in your inventory.

Remote Explosives

Fortnite Remote Explosives
Fortnite Remote Explosives

Rarities: Epic

Damage Per Shot: 70+

Ammo Type: N/A

Magazine Capacity: 10

Description: Remote explosives come in two pieces: a brick of C4 and a remote detonator. Primary fire tosses the explosive, which will stick to any surface it lands on in a similar manner to a Clinger. You can toss as many C4 bricks as you like before detonating them with the secondary fire button. A single press will detonate each explosive you’ve planted in a single unified explosion. This is a great way to quickly demolish an enemy’s fort, leaving them suddenly exposed.

Alternately, your explosives will also detonate when shot, if needed in a pinch. Be careful, though: this delayed explosion time makes them difficult to use offensively, and if you aren’t careful, you could be caught in your own explosion.

Stink Bomb

Fortnite Stink Bomb
Fortnite Stink Bomb

Rarities: Epic

Damage Per Shot: 5

Ammo Type: N/A

Magazine Capacity: 5

Description: The Stink Bomb is an interesting oddity of a weapon. Similar in appearance to a standard grenade, the Stink Bomb’s glass canister contains a suspicious looking yellowish liquid. On detonation, the canister shatters and envelops the surrounding area in a sickly yellow cloud. Any players caught in this cloud will take damage over time at a rate of 5 damage every half second. The cloud itself dissipates after 9 seconds.

The Stink Bomb’s distinguishing feature is it’s ability to bypass any enemy shields and do damage directly to the health bar. It can be devastating in confined spaces or against large groups.

Boogie Bomb

Fortnite Boogie Bomb
Fortnite Boogie Bomb

Rarities: Rare

Damage Per Shot: N/A

Ammo Type: N/A

Magazine Capacity: 2

Description: The Boogie Bomb isn’t exactly a grenade, per se. It doesn’t do any damage, but instead, forces any enemies caught in the blast radius to submit to the all-encompassing power of dance. Players will be forced into a dance emote for the next 5 seconds or until taking damage. It’s an easy way to catch your opponent unawares and get in a few quick shots, which can be useful when coupled with a high damage weapon like a shotgun or Handcannon.

Impulse Grenade

Fortnite Impulse Grenade
Fortnite Impulse Grenade

Rarities: Rare

Damage Per Shot: N/A

Ammo Type: N/A

Magazine Capacity: 9

Description: Like the Boogie Bomb, the Impulse Grenade won’t damage enemies. Instead, it emits a powerful blast that sends enemies flying. Careful: if you get caught in your own blast, you’ll also be launched skyward. Impulse Grenades are a great way to quickly escape from an encounter, or you can use them to launch enemies off the edges of buildings or cliffs to get some eliminations worthy of “Looney Tunes.”

Shockwave Grenade

Fortnite Shockwave Grenade
Fortnite Shockwave Grenade

Rarities: Epic

Damage Per Shot: N/A

Ammo Type: N/A

Magazine Capacity: 6

Description: The Shockwave Grenade is the Impulse Grenade’s tougher older brother. It operates in a similar way, but knocks back anything in its path, including squadmates, vehicles, and structures. It also has twice the blast radius and knock-back power as the standard Impulse Grenade, so careful you don’t go for an unplanned flight.

Rocket Launcher

Fortnite Rocket Launcher
Fortnite Rocket Launcher

Rarities: Epic/Legendary

Damage Per Shot: 116/121

Ammo Type: Rockets

Magazine Capacity: 1

Description: A classic RPG has many uses on the battlefield. Most useful? You don’t really have to worry about aiming. Simply point, pull the trigger, and watch anything in that general direction get blown to bits. That includes both structures and players; the Rocket Launcher will make short work of both. This power comes with drawbacks, though: the rockets themselves fly slowly, making the Rocket Launcher a difficult weapon to use at long ranges. The reload time is also on the slower side, leaving you vulnerable to counterattack while you try to load another rocket.

Grenade Launcher

Fortnite Grenade Launcher
Fortnite Grenade Launcher

Rarities: Rare/Epic/Legendary

Damage Per Shot: 100/105/110

Ammo Type: Rockets

Magazine Capacity: 6

Description: The Grenade Launcher has a definite learning curve, but can be deadly effective for any players that take the time to learn its quirks. The Grenade Launcher fires from a six-round rotary drum magazine, and fires just about as fast as you can pull the trigger. Here’s the catch: the grenades won’t detonate on impact, but will instead ricochet and roll for a moment before exploding. This can be useful for banking shots through windows and off walls into enemy forts. It can also be useful to send a barrage of grenades flying towards an enemy and then watch as they try to escape the newly-created minefield.

Guided Missile

Fortnite Guided Missile
Fortnite Guided Missile

Rarities: Epic/Legendary

Damage Per Shot: 74/75

Ammo Type: Rockets

Magazine Capacity: 1

Description: The Guided Missile launcher is an exceedingly rare weapon, but it certainly has its perks if you can get your hands on one. Firing the weapon will send out a rocket and switch the camera angle and controls: you’ll now have total control over the rocket and can guide it exactly to where it needs to go. This feature should be used with extreme caution, however. Once you’re in control over the rocket, you’ll be totally defenseless. Make sure you’re well hidden or safely behind cover before firing.

Someone once said that “any problem can be solved with the proper application of explosives.” This old adage certainly holds true in the world of Fortnite. With a huge number of explosives to choose from, your problems will soon be going up in smoke.

Alex LaFreniere

Alex LaFreniere

Alex's first experience with video games came at the tender young age of 12, when his parents gave him and his brothers a PlayStation 2 for Christmas. They’ve probably been regretting that mistake ever since, because as soon he finished his first lap in Gran Turismo 3, Alex was hooked for life. In addition to writing for Softonic, Alex has turned that love of games into a voice acting career, and has voiced everything from grizzled old soldiers to vampire lords. When he's not gaming or getting behind the microphone, Alex can probably be found wandering the woods around Boston or putting together some new culinary delight in his kitchen.

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