

WhatsApp now lets you use bold, italics and strikethroughs in your chats!

WhatsApp now lets you use bold, italics and strikethroughs in your chats!
Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

  • Updated:

WhatsApp continues to add various features to the application for both Android and iOS, in the hope of stopping you having to turn to the competition.

The latest update allows you to use different text formats when writing and receiving messages, such as creating bold, italic and strikethrough text – wherever you want it to appear.

The update is now available on the beta versions of the app (2.12.17 for iOS and 2.12.535 for Android) but will soon reach all phones.

Do you already have these updated versions of WhatsApp? Well, then you’re ready to go!

In order to start using this new feature, you need to do the following:

–          To use bold letter, place asterisks either side of the word: *bold*

–          To use italics, simply add underscores to either side of the word: _italics_

–          To use strikethroughs in text, use tildes either side, like this: ~strikethrough~

But that’s not all! You’re now able to combine the formats such as: _*bolditalics*_

Go and try it for yourself!

Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

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