
Dictionaries (6 programs)

  1. PROS: Lots of different definitions. Very well-organized. Some interesting dictionary options. Useful for studies.
    CONS: No spell-checking. Some vague definitions. Doesn't always find the right dictionary. Somewhat slow interface.
  2. PROS: Collocations feature. Easy interface. "Did you mean..?" function. Award winning.
    CONS: Free version does not contain full dictionary. Less information than other dictionaries. Relatively large file size. Not suitable for beginners.
  3. PROS: Easy word lookup. Allows users to add new custom words to the dictionary. Allows users to perform both full and partial word searches. The application can be used both online and offline.
    CONS: Infrequent updates. The application doesn’t contain the full Oxford English dictionary word list. Audio pronunciation can do with higher quality recordings. The application can cause system hangs/crashes at times.
  4. PROS: Huge selection of definitions. Includes spoken phrases. Simple search interface. Application is very stable.
    CONS: Download process for new definitions can be complicated. No notetaking facility. App doesn't integrate directly with word processors. Limited OS support.
  5. PROS: Information can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. It is possible to zoom in on the coin images. Basic accounting data such as profit/loss reports are provided. Information can be synced across numerous devices.
    CONS: This application is relatively expensive. Similar information can be found by navigating to free websites. Communication conflicts may sometimes occur between different devices. Operating systems below OSX are not supported.
  6. PROS: Provides most common words. Aqua-style interface. Easy to use. Offline access.
    CONS: Incomplete. A few UI issues. Slow lookup. Poor text size scaling.
