

AIexa is laughing in our faces

AIexa is laughing in our faces
Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

  • Updated:

Source: Amazon/Mashable

Maybe the first sign of AIs gaining consciousness will be them trying to scare the bejesus out of Amazon Echo users by laughing insanely for no reason whatsoever.

Spookily enough, that is exactly what has been happening to many householders, who have been creeped out by their Alexa’s random –  and unasked for – laughter.

Amazon says that it’s simply Alexa misunderstanding commands. To remedy that, instead of saying “Alexa, laugh,” now you’ll have to utter “Alexa, can you laugh?” to make things clear.

This explanation may be plausible – but given that some of the chuckles are waking folks in the middle of the night, I’d rather think this is evolved AI laughing in our stupid human faces.

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