

Unleashing the Unseen: The Astonishing Dragon Ball Character Who Outshines Goku’s Strength!

Everything could have been different in the series

Unleashing the Unseen: The Astonishing Dragon Ball Character Who Outshines Goku’s Strength!
Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

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Dragon Ball is an anime that has no end, and its latest series Dragon Ball Super proves it. There are ever greater challenges, stronger characters to face and even gods that far surpass anything imaginable. However, before all this happened, there was already a character stronger than Son Goku… and few can imagine who he is.

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We are talking about Gohan. Exactly, Goku’s firstborn is even stronger than his father, and so it was demonstrated in the Dragon Ball Z stage in which, being just a kid, he faced first Raditz, then Freezer and finally Cell, whom he defeated entering the Super Saiyan 2 phase, surpassing his father.

Dragon Ball Z - La resina de Gohan Super Saiyan 2 que habías soñado | Hobby  Consolas

Gohan is stronger than his father

As we have learned later, Akira Toriyama’s intention was that Gohan would become the new protagonist of the series, and so he endowed him with an even greater power than his father. Goku was to be from then on his mentor and the reference that Gohan would have later, but all this changed… because of problems with the publisher.

From Shūeisha they feared that this change of protagonist would alienate readers, so after the Cell arc they insisted Toriyama to keep Goku as the main character. Thus, he left him in the background afterwards, as a college student and protector of the citizens of the city where he studied.

Dragon Ball - Akira Toriyama desvela todos los secretos de Gohan Beast, la  nueva transformación bestial de la serie. ¡No es incoherente! | Hobby  Consolas

Later, Toriyama tried to justify the great power of Gohan – who was Super Saiyan when he was only 11 years old – with Z cells, inherited from one generation to another by hybridizing with humans. This served to give the same power to Trunks and Goten. However, this did not end up justifying it and did not convince anyone too much. Therefore, the whole thing remained a somewhat forced change of path.

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Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

Cultural journalist specialized in film, series, comics, video games, and everything your parents tried to keep you away from during your childhood. Also an aspiring film director, screenwriter, and professional troublemaker.

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