

Elden Ring speedrunner beats game in under 9 minutes

Elden Ring speedrunner beats game in under 9 minutes
Leri Koen

Leri Koen

  • Updated:

While many players have struggled with Elden Ring and the massive world it encompasses, one speedrun player keeps beating his time record and, at last count, finishes the whole game in under nine minutes.

The YouTuber, Distortion2, has been on a mission to beat Elden Ring in the fastest time possible. In his last YouTube video, he recorded a completion time of 8:56 minutes. He primarily used the Zip glitch, allowing players to teleport across the map, shaving off valuable travel times.

There have been a few different speedrun styles, such as running without taking damage, running without dealing damage, and many more. For a successful speedrun, players have to meet the requirements (such as not taking damage) while also defeating all of the major bosses in Elden Ring.

This technique used by Distortion2 is not a mod or cheat but rather an existing glitch in the game that players are exploiting. A few strange glitches throughout the game make for an exciting playthrough. For example, last week, players discovered a way to make the challenging boss, Starscourge Radahn, defeat himself by luring him to the water’s edge. He then falls in and drowns without players needing to land a blow.

Other inconsistencies include a pair of fancy underwear hidden in the game’s files. Not to mention discovering a wall that requires 50 hits before opening. Players are discovering new secrets to Elden Ring every day.

While the time of these speedruns is impressive, you have to wonder how much enjoyment is genuinely derived from rushing through a game like Elden Ring? I still prefer spending hours discovering new locations and appreciating the magnificent artwork and landscapes in the game. I look forward to seeing what new things Elden Ring players discover in the coming weeks. In other news, see how you can play with iconic TV characters in Elden Ring with a mod.

You can watch Distortion2’s impressive speedrun here:

Leri Koen

Leri Koen

Born and raised in South Africa I am the mother of two busy kids and one loving husband. Since leaving school I immediately started working and have been involved in many different industries where I learned a wide range of skills. Some of my skills range from marketing to management and even teaching special needs children, particularly those with severe developmental delays. I am a self-proclaimed holiday nut, taking any chance I can get to decorate and celebrate major holidays such as Easter, Halloween and Christmas, often planning these months in advance! I have a wide range of passions that I persue (as often as I can) such as reading, writing, bonsai, crafting, creating natural beauty products, listening to music and playing games (prefered platforms being PC and Xbox).

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