

Google takes its AI-powered search engine to more countries

Google's AI-powered search engine expands to more countries and languages, but it doesn't reach Spain for the time being.

Google takes its AI-powered search engine to more countries
Fran Pérez

Fran Pérez

  • Updated:

The expansion of artificial intelligence is almost inevitable, and it is something we are seeing in almost every aspect of the technological world, as demonstrated by the fact that Microsoft is going to offer AI-based tools to Xbox studios for game development, for example. Now, in this case, we come to talk about Google, which has recently taken its AI-powered search engine, Search Generative Experience (SGE), to more than 120 new countries, including Mexico, Brazil, South Korea, Indonesia, Nigeria, and South Africa, among many others.

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At first glance, we can highlight that Google’s service has not reached Spain, at least for now. Nevertheless, you can check the complete list of countries on their official website. Additionally, we can mention that this search engine now supports four new languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, and Korean. These languages are added to the ones that already had support, namely English, Hindi, and Japanese.

The AI is expanding in Google’s search engine

However, keep in mind that to use this tool from Mountain View, you still have to participate in Google’s Search Labs program, and once enrolled, these AI functions can only be used through Chrome on the desktop or the Google app on Android and iOS. With all this context in mind, the Product Director of SGE, Hema Budaraju, declined to answer in an interview whether the AI they use for their search engine will eventually reach others. However, she hinted that such an option might be possible in the future.

While all indications point to the experimental testing of this SGE ending before the end of this year, Google seems determined to continue gathering user feedback to optimize the experience. Plans for 2024 have not been detailed yet. Beyond all this, the tech giant has announced some new features that will land in SGE, and these are the following:

  1. In search results, we will see a new option to request tracking, aiming to save time and avoid going into a separate conversation with SGE. This new addition will roll out in the coming weeks in the United States.
  2. When requesting translations, we will be able to see various meanings that may belong to different contexts. This addition will come to English-to-Spanish translations shortly in the United States.
  3. A new addition coming next month to the United States and later to other countries will allow us to request more information about some terms used in subjects like programming and health in search results. This will join a recently announced addition that provides more details on topics like economics, science, or history.
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On the other hand, as indicated by The Verge, SGE also has another innovation regarding search results when they are good. They respond to user requests without having to click on the sources. For now, there is no data on how SGE results have changed click-through rates from search results to other sources, although Google has already updated its service to improve the way links are contextualized.

Fran Pérez

Fran Pérez

Avid follower of the video game and technology industry, he has worked with media such as Alfa Beta Juega, Urban Tecno, or Nintenderos. Additionally, he runs a small blog focused on video games, HelGames.

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