

Max’s Series: Solving the Big Issue That Plagued the Harry Potter Movies

Harry and Ginny's relationship may, at last, not be so bland.

Max’s Series: Solving the Big Issue That Plagued the Harry Potter Movies
Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

  • Updated:

HBO Max will change its name to Max very soon – in fact, this change has already happened in the United States – and it will come with dozens of surprises that will make the platform the most exciting in the market: a new Game of Thrones series, a dramatic series based on The Conjuring films, a Rick and Morty anime called The Anime de Adult Swim, an original series about Batman’s Penguin… and a series about Harry Potter.


This is a remake that will start from scratch, adapting all the books from J.K. Rowling’s saga, with each season focusing on one book. It will depart from the movie universe and create its own, aiming to connect with the new generations. This decision has sparked many criticisms from a large portion of the fandom, who consider the Harry Potter movies to be a religion… but the truth is, it has the potential to offer a lot.

The love story they never told

Beyond everything we would love to see in the Harry Potter series and the possibilities it has to delve into some overlooked narratives, such as the one involving house-elves, Max’s series can help address a plot that went largely unnoticed: Harry’s relationship with Ginny Weasley, Ron’s sister and the future mother of his children.

In the books, the connection between these two characters is evident from the first time they meet, as Ginny becomes very shy around Harry. Each chapter takes its time to develop this relationship, with its ups and downs, until they finally decide to date in “The Half-Blood Prince.” However, this is something that simply didn’t have enough time to be explored in the movies.

We did get to see, in “The Chamber of Secrets,” the initial rescue of Ginny by Harry and some gradual closeness between them. However, due to the actors’ portrayal at that time and the limited time they had to explore their love, it simply wasn’t adequately developed.

Thanks to the series, Harry and Ginny will have all the intimate moments that the books offer them, and perhaps even new scenes that help us understand their love better. So, regardless of what ultimately happens with this series, it’s clear that this can be one of its great opportunities.


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Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

Cultural journalist specialized in film, series, comics, video games, and everything your parents tried to keep you away from during your childhood. Also an aspiring film director, screenwriter, and professional troublemaker.

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