

The Netflix animated movie that has become the Christmas surprise

Leo manages to sneak into the Top 1 spot on Netflix.

The Netflix animated movie that has become the Christmas surprise
Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

  • Updated:

During this Christmas season, Netflix has stepped up its game to compete against film proposals like “Wish,” “Wonka,” and the Spanish movie “The Night My Dad Saved Christmas.” For this purpose, it has an animated top-tier movie that has surpassed the Disney film in terms of critical acclaim and has secured the top spot worldwide on the platform.

The movie’s name is “Leo,” and its lead character (voiced in the animated version) is portrayed by Adam Sandler. The star from “Grown Ups” lends his voice to a lizard to narrate a unique story blending humor and tenderness in such a functional way that it has reached audiences of all ages on Netflix.

A lizard and a lot of problems

“Leo” is the story of a 74-year-old lizard who has spent decades trapped in the same classroom in Florida alongside his terrarium companion, a turtle. Leo lives a tranquil and calm life, but when he learns he has only one year left to live, he decides to escape to experience life beyond his confines. This decision marks the beginning of his problems—a journey filled with all sorts of moments.

As often seen in animated movies of this style, the direction is handled by multiple directors. In this case, Robert Smigel, Robert Marianetti, and David Watchtenheim take the helm. Smigel, known for his work as a writer on “Hotel Transylvania” films in which Sandler also participated as an actor, leads the team. As for the other two, they are newcomers to feature-length films but are the primary driving force behind bringing this story to light.

Available since November 21st, “Leo” is currently the most-watched movie on Netflix, and the goal is for its numbers to keep growing during the summer season. It’s a new unexpected success for Netflix that is gaining ground against Disney.

Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

Cultural journalist specialized in film, series, comics, video games, and everything your parents tried to keep you away from during your childhood. Also an aspiring film director, screenwriter, and professional troublemaker.

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