

Science has spoken: we now know what sunscreen spray they use in GTA 6.

GTA 6 has its first trailer since a little over a month ago and has already achieved the unimaginable: making us aware of the solar factor that an NPC is using while applying solar spray.

Science has spoken: we now know what sunscreen spray they use in GTA 6.
Álvaro Arbonés

Álvaro Arbonés

  • Updated:

It is always said that GTA fans dissect everything related to the franchise to absurd points. They take the trailers and dissect them until there is nothing left. But it’s not true. There are always things left to discover. Secrets that don’t come to light. Because no matter how dedicated a fanbase is, there are things they can’t uncover.


That doesn’t mean they won’t try. It’s been less than a month since the GTA 6 trailer came out and we already know all kinds of potential details about the game. Although we can’t confirm anything for sure, there are so many people dissecting the trailer that it’s hard to imagine there are any secrets left to discover in the game. Not even who plays the protagonist character, Lucía. There will be some. And in fact, someone has decided to show that you can dig even deeper than what has been done so far.

A Reddit hero named @ficerc has conducted an exhaustive investigation to try to answer one of our burning questions. What is the sun protection factor of the sunscreen spray used in the GTA 6 trailer?

The result is an article of over 1500 words full of diagrams, tables, and scientific explanations that seek to justify the level of solar intensity and the optimal level of sun protection factor that the specific NPC we see applying the spray would require. An absolute masterpiece that proves that yes, if there is something that can be investigated in a GTA trailer, there will be someone who will investigate it, no matter how far-fetched it may be.

It is no less true that this specific case is a parody. A joke very well told. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t much simpler ways to tell a joke than by conducting a rigorous scientific investigation. Although, isn’t that the joke’s charm?

Álvaro Arbonés

Álvaro Arbonés

Cultural journalist and writer with a special interest in audiovisuals and everything that can be played. I'm not here to talk about my books, but you can always ask me about them if you're curious.

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