

You can now send text chats in Clubhouse’s live rooms

You can now send text chats in Clubhouse’s live rooms
Monique Casingal

Monique Casingal

  • Updated:

Clubhouse, the popular audio-chat app, has now added the option of having an in-room chat in its live rooms. This new feature lets you send text messages and emojis in the chat textbox of a live room if the creator enabled it before hosting. Text chats can also be deleted and moderated and will remain archived for Replays.

As a social audio app, Clubhouse originally focused on an audio-only experience with its phone call podcast-style rooms. However, it’s now aiming to be accessible to more people—especially to those who want to participate in live rooms but don’t want to speak via voice chat. 

Back in 2021, a feature called Backchannel was released for Clubhouse, making direct messaging finally possible on the app. Now, it’s also possible to type and send texts while these calls are happening live. This in-room chat feature works similarly to the live stream chat functions from other apps. 

Users can delete their messages during or after the room closes. Messages that violate the app’s guidelines can be reported by both users and moderators. Lastly, users can catch up on the messages sent after a call ends—although they can’t send anything to the chat anymore. However, you can only use this feature if the creator of the room enabled it in the first place. 

It’s enabled if there’s a chat icon at the bottom left of the screen, next to the Share and Clip icons. It will also have a red dot to indicate unread messages. Simply tap this icon or swipe right to access it. This new feature is available on both Clubhouse iOS and Clubhouse Android’s latest versions.

Monique Casingal

Monique Casingal

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