

Can You Beat the Wordle? This Challenging Game Stumps Even Its Creator

This free game, called The Password Game, is the new Wordle... Say Wordle was as difficult as it was hilarious

Can You Beat the Wordle? This Challenging Game Stumps Even Its Creator
Álvaro Arbonés

Álvaro Arbonés

  • Updated:

Wordle became a success because it offered simple and easily understandable entertainment, even for people without knowledge of video games or technology. It took a popular pre-existing knowledge and gave it a twist that could be endlessly iterated over time. Wordle is nothing more than a word-guessing game that can be replicated indefinitely and can spawn clones indefinitely. It is easy to play, easy to copy, and hard not to enjoy. This is also true for the game that is starting to make waves on the internet: The Password Game.

Neal Agarwal is a programmer who, in just two months, has developed a game called The Password Game. The rules are simple. We have to create a password following the rules. Each time we fulfill a rule, a new one is added. Fulfilling the new rules does not exclude having to fulfill the previous ones. That’s it.


The first four rules are simple. It must have at least five characters, include a number, have at least one capital letter, and at least one special character. A classic set of password requirements. The fifth rule complicates things a bit more. The digits in our password must sum up to 25. The sixth rule asks us to add a month of the year. The seventh rule requires a Roman numeral. The eighth rule involves one of the sponsors of the page. The ninth rule asks that our Roman numerals be multiplied by 35. The tenth rule introduces a captcha. From here on, the game only becomes stranger, more difficult, and more delirious. It forces us to visit other web pages, solve different games, and blindly navigate through a game that, with each answer, makes us review all the previous ones.

The Password Game, since its release on Tuesday the 27th, has already garnered over 11,000 retweets. Ironically, Neal Agarwal, the creator of the game, admits to being unable to beat the game himself. While it is not impossible to complete the game—some people have already done it—Agarwal has only managed to fulfill up to rule twenty-eight, as he shared in a conversation with Polygon. It’s not surprising considering how devilishly challenging it is, but it’s also incredibly fun. It hits all the right notes that Wordle did, but in a much more playful and, above all, sarcastic manner.


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Álvaro Arbonés

Álvaro Arbonés

Cultural journalist and writer with a special interest in audiovisuals and everything that can be played. I'm not here to talk about my books, but you can always ask me about them if you're curious.

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