

We already have the 2024 video of League of Legends and it gives clues about the future of the game.

Yasuo stands in the center of the Season 2024 video of League of Legends, titled Still Here.

We already have the 2024 video of League of Legends and it gives clues about the future of the game.
Álvaro Arbonés

Álvaro Arbonés

  • Updated:

Games as a service are a constant cycle of milestones. Periodically, they need to advertise and generate interest in their product because there is no real beginning or end to their product. That’s why they create events and seasons: to have defined cycles that create a sense of continuity and urgency. This is something that even the most experienced are not unfamiliar with.

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One of the traditions of League of Legends is to make a video presentation for each annual season. Usually a short action vignette, they are usually five minutes long, focusing on a handful of characters, giving them special importance, seeking to give them a prominence that they would not generally have in such an extensive and ensemble game like this.

The video for the 2024 season is called Still Here and they have decided to focus on some of the most well-known faces in the game. Putting all the weight on Kayle, Morgana, Aatrox, Yasuo, Tryndamere, Kindred, and Ashe, instead of having as many characters as possible, or just one that takes all the spotlight, they wanted it to be an ensemble cast that tells three small stories, each in its own little vignette. Although there has been a clear main protagonist in all of this.

Yasuo is undoubtedly the one who has taken the best piece of cake. Showcasing him as an elderly ronin, defending the innocent people of Ionia, it’s a glimpse into the character’s unexpected future. A very different perspective of Yasuo, the tormented ronin, that suggests he will find some peace within himself and will find his place in the world by defending the weak.

At the end of the day, these videos do not represent a radical change for the game. And Still Here is no exception. But it is an interesting detail to excite players and try to attract back those who may have abandoned the game. And in that sense, as an exciting promotional piece, there is no doubt that it works perfectly.

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Álvaro Arbonés

Álvaro Arbonés

Cultural journalist and writer with a special interest in audiovisuals and everything that can be played. I'm not here to talk about my books, but you can always ask me about them if you're curious.

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