

The Name that Shaped a Legacy: Final Fantasy’s Creator Unravels the Mystery of its Origin

Hironobu Sakaguchi, father of the creature, explains.

The Name that Shaped a Legacy: Final Fantasy’s Creator Unravels the Mystery of its Origin
Nacho Requena Molina

Nacho Requena Molina

  • Updated:

We are used to talking about videogame sagas with decades of life behind them. This is the case, for example, of Final Fantasy, owned by Square Enix and whose sixteenth installment has been released relatively recently. Now, it has been the father of the saga, Hironobu Sakaguchi, who has commented on where the name Final Fantasy comes from.


According to the famed Japanese creative, the origin of Final Fantasy as a name is easier than one can imagine. From the now defunct Square, it was requested that the name of the game be “FF” once abbreviated. With this on the table, the first ideas revolved around “Fighting Fantasy“, but due to problems with some trademarks this option was discarded (there was a board game with the same title). So the team came up with the idea of substituting “Fighting” for “Fantasy” and alternating the order until they had that “Final Fantasy“. It was as simple as that.

Hironobu Sakaguchi was involved in the franchise until the release of Final Fantasy X-2 and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, the last titles where he appeared as executive producer. Although it may seem that he is now retired, he is currently the CEO of Mistwalker, a company founded in 2004 and which has released titles of enormous caliber such as The Last Story, Blue Dragon or Lost Odyssey.

His latest production has been Fantasian, an exclusive video game for iOS where the scenarios were made by dioramas manufactured in the real world (a work of engineering that has then been brought to the video game through very detailed photographs).


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Nacho Requena Molina

Nacho Requena Molina

Journalist specialized in videogames and technology. Almost two decades dedicated to it.

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