

Unearthing the Unusual: Fortnite Hosts a Surprising Holocaust Museum

A way to bring history closer to the youngest.

Unearthing the Unusual: Fortnite Hosts a Surprising Holocaust Museum
María López

María López

  • Updated:

Sometimes video games gift us with unexpected moments, although how they’re received can vary. The latest star of this intriguing tale is Fortnite. Epic Games‘ creation has encountered an unexpected surprise from players: a Holocaust museum.


Some time ago, Fortnite introduced a game mode that allowed its users to create new levels, Creative Fortnite 2.0. Here the only limit is your creativity. Thanks to the possibilities of Unreal Editor, this application has everything you need to create high-quality maps.

In this case, the Arcade Distillery team and Luc Bernard have used these tools to develop a curious museum dedicated to the Holocaust within Fortnite. As far-fetched as the situation may seem, the truth is that they even have the approval of Epic Games.

Also, Arcade Distillery is not exactly a rookie developer. In his curriculum we can see The Light in the Darkness, a title that is also based on this terrible historical fact. As Luc Bernard explains on his Twitter, “80% of Americans have never been to a museum, so this would be a game changer“.

Is history repeating itself?

It’s no secret: we are witnessing a new shift within the current political paradigm. The far-right has experienced a strong resurgence in many countries, and in others, it has already begun to govern, as seen in Italy or Finland. Immigration, the financial crisis, or the war in Ukraine have been some of the most significant causes behind this transition. However, this has not gone unanswered. As the saying goes, “those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.”


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María López

María López

Artist by vocation and technology lover. I have liked to tinker with all kinds of gadgets for as long as I can remember.

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