

Unveiling the Dark Side of AI: Exploring the Greatest Perils in a Netflix Documentary

Discover The Unknown: Killer Robots

Unveiling the Dark Side of AI: Exploring the Greatest Perils in a Netflix Documentary
Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

  • Updated:

One of the major topics of the year is undoubtedly the rise of Artificial Intelligence and tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, or Google Bard. Ever since OpenAI released their flagship tool last year, new functionalities have continued to emerge, prompting us to question dozens of aspects about AI. It seems that a future aligned with AI is becoming increasingly closer.


Considering this, it’s no wonder that the most recurring question is whether we are in danger. As movies like “I, Robot” or even “2001: A Space Odyssey” warned, AI will eventually destroy us. And to address all these issues, Netflix has released a documentary titled “The Unknown: Killer Robots.”

How do they use AI in warfare?

With a runtime of just over an hour, this documentary directed by Jesse Sweet delves into all the recent developments regarding robots and Artificial Intelligence, raising a crucial question in today’s world: What happens when a machine makes life or death decisions?

The documentary focuses on exploring the dangers of artificial intelligence in military applications. However, it makes it clear from the beginning that even though it currently applies to war situations, its implications can extend to our daily lives and directly impact us in the near future.

Throughout this new Netflix film, we witness the struggle between military personnel and scientists as they strive to develop groundbreaking technologies that give them an edge in previously unknown war scenarios. However, we also see the fight from the perspective of activists who strive to eliminate the dangers that come with these advancements.

Undoubtedly, this is a compelling work that allows us to look beyond ChatGPT and our usual tools, as it sheds light on how AI is being used at higher levels and how it may impact the entire globe in the near future.


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Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

Cultural journalist specialized in film, series, comics, video games, and everything your parents tried to keep you away from during your childhood. Also an aspiring film director, screenwriter, and professional troublemaker.

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