

Google explains to users how AI works to summarize content on Android Auto

Google explains to users how AI works to summarize content on Android Auto
Daniel García

Daniel García

  • Updated:

After several AI-based improvements, Google has decided to explain in greater depth to users how this system can be used to summarize various types of content while driving using Android Auto. This can be important to reduce distractions on the road and optimize time by prioritizing driving with simpler, more effective communication.

Android Auto is the system developed by Google to provide software support for driving. It can be installed natively in the car’s own system, but the mobile version can also be used to enjoy similar functions that allow for a better experience without the need for direct use through the vehicle.

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Using AI more efficiently

As Google has shown through its support services, content summaries are very easy to enable and allow users to have a very useful tool in a limited and sometimes dangerous time like driving.

To access these services, this function can be easily found within the settings of the Android Auto application, under “notifications”. There, the “resume content” tab will appear and allow Artificial Intelligence to compress the messages you receive while driving in a useful and efficient way. Google also reminds that it is not infallible, and being based on AI, it can make mistakes, but in many cases it can still be a valuable tool.

Artificial Intelligence for everyone

There is no doubt that, in the last two years, Artificial Intelligence has gained a major role. Google, in fact, is one of the companies that is currently investing the most money to create useful and efficient systems for users, being in Android Auto an application with Artificial Intelligence that can be most useful for users in their daily lives, especially if a vehicle is frequently used.

Google, in fact, has already dazzled society in recent months with Gemini, an iteration with great intelligence and reasoning ability that is capable of creating high-quality interactions with users, although every light has a shadow. In the case of AI, despite the advances being very dazzling, there is a problem of energy efficiency and environmental impact, as it consumes huge amounts of energy and water for cooling. That is why Microsoft is working to develop a more efficient and environmentally friendly system with lower requirements.

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Daniel García

Daniel García

Graduated in Journalism, Daniel specializes in video games and technology, currently writing for Andro4all and NaviGames, and having written for more Difoosion portals such as Alfa Beta Juega or Urban Tecno. He enjoys staying up-to-date with current affairs, as well as reading, video games, and any other form of cultural expression

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