

“If the price doesn’t convince you, you have the option not to pay”: this game takes a risk with its marketing strategy

The brand director of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre addresses the excessive prices of the game's downloadable content.

“If the price doesn’t convince you, you have the option not to pay”: this game takes a risk with its marketing strategy
Nacho Requena Molina

Nacho Requena Molina

  • Updated:

We’re not accustomed to seeing great honesty from executives or managers of major brands in the world of video games. Generally, there’s always a tendency towards euphemism, an attempt to do damage control. That’s why the words of Matt Shotcha, in charge of the strategy for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre video game, have taken everyone by surprise.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre DOWNLOAD

In a conversation on Reddit, Shotcha is very clear about the new content plans announced for the video game: “I understand why you’re coming and I know we can debate this to death if we want to. But ultimately, whether you like it or not, being realistic is realizing that if the price doesn’t convince you or seems acceptable, you have the option not to pay.”

In response to this, the brand manager tried to somewhat soothe the situation later. “That being said, I’m not trying to dismiss concerns; we’ll address them. But we also have our reasons why we’ve priced everything at our rates,” he emphasized.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was released this past August to recreate the iconic film premiered in 1974. In this game, players can assume the role of a member of the Slaughter family or be one of the victims trying to escape danger. Hunter or hunted. You choose.

The company recently announced plans for downloadable content. While there will be some free items, the vast majority of them will be paid, with prices ranging from $15.99 for premium content to $9.99 for characters, $6.99 for executions, and $4.99 for cosmetic items. The major issue is that this content cannot be obtained by playing, unlike other similar titles. Therefore, you either pay up or you won’t be able to access the new content.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre DOWNLOAD
Nacho Requena Molina

Nacho Requena Molina

Journalist specialized in videogames and technology. Almost two decades dedicated to it.

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