

If you are a forgetful person, this robot will help you find what you have lost

If you are a forgetful person, this robot will help you find what you have lost
Daniel García

Daniel García

  • Updated:

Technology exists to make people’s lives easier. One of the most common problems that many people face, for example, is not knowing where they have left a particular object. Well, with the robot from the University of Waterloo, any lost object will be quickly found thanks to its sensors.

This robot, from the University of Waterloo, has the necessary sensors to find any object you have misplaced. In the development of this system, where Artificial Intelligence also plays a role, multiple iterations have been applied. Working in harmony, these iterations manage to find all kinds of objects.

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Finding objects at home

The operation of this robot is simpler than it may initially seem. It is equipped with cameras that identify various objects around it, and with its limb-like mechanisms, it can identify and pick up the object we tell it has been lost. In this way, the robot will work to quickly find what the user needs.

This robot is intended as a support method for people with special needs, providing them with a system that allows them to find any lost object. The robot is still in the testing phase, and its design is not the most functional yet, but the tests conducted by the University of Waterloo have been successful, and they hope to assist many people in the future.

Artificial Intelligence also has valuable applications for the common good of people.

Technology at the service of the individual

It is always positive when technology is aligned with the interests of people, whether it involves significant assistance or everyday aspects of life. Clearly, finding objects at home might be a mundane task for many individuals, but for households with members suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s, a more refined system of this kind could make a significant difference in improving that person’s quality of life.

It is crucial for technology to revolve around people in this context so that the social impact of this progress is positive. In fact, even the United States has started to take serious measures to prevent Artificial Intelligence from being used against the common good.

Google Find My Device DOWNLOAD
Daniel García

Daniel García

Graduated in Journalism, Daniel specializes in video games and technology, currently writing for Andro4all and NaviGames, and having written for more Difoosion portals such as Alfa Beta Juega or Urban Tecno. He enjoys staying up-to-date with current affairs, as well as reading, video games, and any other form of cultural expression

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