

Is this the real life Tony Stark?

Is this the real life Tony Stark?
Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

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Is this the real life Tony Stark?

Source: Mashable 

If submarines sailing in freezing oceans on the moons of far-off planets sounds like science fiction to you, then you will be wowed by a cool video by artist Joanie Lemercier. Lemercier has created what he calls no-lograms, and they would not be out of place in Tony Stark’s lab. That is right; Lemercier is playing around with Iron Man level tech!

Lemercier became obsessed with holograms when he first saw R2D2 project Princess Leia’s distress call in Star Wars: A New Hope. He has spent years creating an innovative technique that uses motion sensors and water droplets to create volumetric projections. By simply moving his hands he can manipulate holographic projections just like Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man or Tom Cruise in Minority Report.

“My works explore geometric patterns, forms that repeat themselves in nature, and the similarities that we can observe when we look at the structure of the universe in its different scales. Volumetric projections are also a great means to question the nature of reality and how technology can change our perception of the world we saw. “

You need to see this to believe it.

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