

This picture is crooked: one of the many uses of the level of our iPhone

A quick way to level anything

This picture is crooked: one of the many uses of the level of our iPhone
David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

  • Updated:

What was once a star feature that we saw even on the stage of a keynote, today we take it so much for granted that it has even fallen into oblivion. We are talking about the iPhone level, a resource with which we can check the alignment of the objects around us easily and quickly.

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A level in your pocket

As we have already said, the level function of the iPhone, thanks to its gyroscopes, once occupied the stage of a keynote. Today, however, few of us remember this utility when it could be useful to us.

One of the reasons for this oversight is that the level does not have a dedicated app on our iPhone, but is part of the Measurements app. Accessing it is very easy, just open the app on your iPhone and tap the Level button at the bottom right of the screen to access it.

When resting the iPhone on the surface we want to level we must be careful that the volume buttons and the side button do not affect the reading. That said, we must recognize that the accuracy of this level is really interesting. No, it is not a substitute for a dedicated digital level, but it can be very useful on more than one occasion.

Yes, I recognize that an article on the level in the middle of 2023 sounds, at the very least, peculiar. But it is also true that I myself have found myself going to look for a level in situations where with the iPhone I could have gotten out of the way more quickly and comfortably. This is therefore meant to be a reminder of what the iPhone is capable of doing for us.

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David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

Architect | Founder of | Apple Technologies Trainer | Writer at Softonic and iDoo_tech, formerly at Applesfera

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