

We can now locate the Siri Remote with our iPhone: how to find the TV remote control

Hey Siri, where's my remote?

We can now locate the Siri Remote with our iPhone: how to find the TV remote control
David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

  • Updated:

We sit down to watch our favorite series and we realize that the Apple TV remote control seems to want to play hide and seek. Until now we had to look for it manually, but with iOS 17 and tvOS 17 we can use our iPhone to locate it quickly and as conveniently as possible.


How to locate the TV remote control in seconds

Once iOS 17 and tvOS 17 are installed, we will be able to use the Apple TV remote control available in the Control Center of our iPhone to locate the lost remote. By activating this feature, we will see an interface similar to the one offered by the Find app that we already use to locate other objects and devices.

Through a visual guide that will show us a series of circles on the phone screen, increasing in size as we approach the remote control, we will be able to locate the device in an intuitive and effective way.

Prior to the release of the latest Apple TV 4K, rumors swirled about the possibility of Apple integrating the Find functionality directly into the Siri Remote via a U1 chip. Those rumors didn’t come true, but now with the update to iOS 17 and tvOS 17, it seems that no change was really needed, as we gain the same possibility just by installing the new versions.

Note, however, that we must wait a little while until, with the remote connected to the TV, after installing tvOS, the new firmware is also installed on the Remote itself. A process that occurs in the background, that we can not force, but in just a few minutes will leave our Siri Remote ready to be found easily.


So, if we have an Apple TV 4K from 2021 or later, we know that locating the remote control of our TV is as easy as accessing the Control Center of our iPhone. A system, clearly, much more efficient than starting to navigate the couch cushions every time the Siri Remote does not appear where it should.

David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

Architect | Founder of | Apple Technologies Trainer | Writer at Softonic and iDoo_tech, formerly at Applesfera

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