

Lack of Trust: Xbox Chief Raises Questions About Artificial Intelligence

Phil Spencer downplays the importance of the use of AI in the creation of video games.

Lack of Trust: Xbox Chief Raises Questions About Artificial Intelligence
Pedro Domínguez

Pedro Domínguez

  • Updated:

At this point, there are no doubts that artificial intelligences are the great revolution of the decade. With the meteoric rise of ChatGPT, an increasing number of companies are offering AI services or carrying out their tasks using this technology. However, the evolution of this technology raises the same question that factory workers had years ago when machines arrived: will they take away all our jobs?

With striking examples like the opening credits of Secret Invasion, Marvel‘s new series, artists are starting to see the writing on the wall, and the video game industry is one that could be affected if content generation with AI becomes normalized.

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“In a press meeting, Xbox chief Phil Spencer downplayed the use of AI by the company and its application in game development, stating, ‘Actually, it’s not an area we’re thinking a lot about with AI. One of the areas where AI is probably more important to us is policy and compliance,’ Spencer said in statements reported by The Guardian.”

Phil Spencer CEO of Xbox

“As for the security of our networks and the amount of traffic that occurs on Xbox Live, it’s almost incomprehensible for a human being trying to control that, so the application of technology that can ensure the right conversations are happening with the right people is an area where the intersection between Microsoft’s AI capability and what gaming is doing is important,” Spencer added.

Xbox Game Pass DOWNLOAD

The Xbox chief also asserts that he is highly protective of the creative process and directly references NFTs to express his opinion on implementing the technology in game development: “A year ago or maybe 18 months, all the questions I was asked were, ‘When am I going to create an NFT game?’ And I said, games are not created to showcase the technology. Technology helps showcase the creativity of a game. AI has been in games for decades, and I like to put tools at the disposal of our creators so they can make the best games, and that’s where I start.”

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Pedro Domínguez

Pedro Domínguez

Publicist and audiovisual producer in love with social networks. I spend more time thinking about which videogames I will play than playing them.

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