

How to start and continue a workout on the Apple Watch using only our voice

Training without even looking at the screen.

How to start and continue a workout on the Apple Watch using only our voice
David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

  • Updated:

The Apple Watch has revolutionized how we interact with the digital world, especially when it comes to exercising. Starting a workout is easier than ever, so much so that we can do it using our voice, leaving our hands free while meticulously monitoring our session. Let’s see how to start and continue a workout on the Apple Watch using only our voice.


How to start training without using your hands

The key functionality here is the integration of the Apple Watch with Siri. To begin, it’s essential that we have activated the “Raise to Speak” option in the Siri section within the Settings app on our watch.

Once activated, simply raise your wrist towards your face and speak to Siri, without needing to press any buttons. You can say something like “Let’s run outdoors for 45 minutes.” Siri will confirm your request and start a three-second countdown before beginning the workout. This way, you can start your physical activity without the need to manually interact with your watch.

How to receive alerts and updates on progress without looking at the screen

Beyond starting a workout, the easiest part, let’s talk about receiving audible updates about our progress. This function is extremely useful as it allows us to stay informed about our performance without constantly having to look at the watch.

To activate voice feedback, we open the Settings app on our Apple Watch, scroll down to the Workout section, and enable the Voice Feedback option. We can listen to these updates through connected AirPods or through the watch’s speakers.

What will we hear? Our Apple Watch will inform us about various aspects of the workout, such as distance covered, elapsed time, and notify us when we reach certain milestones, such as closing our activity rings.


Between Siri and the workout updates provided by the Apple Watch, there’s no need to stop and look at the watch or interact with the screen to follow a session. It’s a way to make it much more comfortable to focus on the workout and forget about the metrics. Remembering how to properly clean the straps of our Apple Watch after certain workouts, it’s clear that our watch is prepared for everything.

David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

Architect | Founder of | Apple Technologies Trainer | Writer at Softonic and iDoo_tech, formerly at Applesfera

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