

Steam blows up all previous records and starts 2024 on a high note

There is no excuse to stop playing.

Steam blows up all previous records and starts 2024 on a high note
Randy Meeks

Randy Meeks

  • Updated:

We can talk all we want about the console war, PlayStation, Xbox and Switch, but the true queen of video games is Steam. Without a doubt. Without any forgiveness, it has once again broken its own record for simultaneous players. Pay attention: 33 million people worldwide playing at the same time. To give you an idea, that’s the entire population of Peru.


January is for video games

It’s cold, Christmas is about to end, people are going back to their routine… How not to enjoy a good afternoon of video games on Steam? That’s what a large number of gamers must be thinking, because the previous record of the platform was also broken in January, but in this case in 2023. In total, there have been 33,675,229 people playing screens at the same time.

This surpasses by one and a half million players the previous maximum number, which is no small feat. The game that holds the number one spot in terms of popularity is one of the biggest releases of the end of last year, ‘Counter Strike 2’, a free update. It’s not insignificant: most of the games that have made Steam the success it is today are free-to-play, leaving a small space for ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ or ‘GTA V’, which are still religiously paid.

And the year has just begun: Steam, quietly, has 132 million monthly active users (yes, you read that right) and has become a benchmark in the industry, which is not understood without its aggressive discounts and its ease of streaming on Twitch. And things can only go up from here. Long live the king!

Randy Meeks

Randy Meeks

Editor specializing in pop culture who writes for websites, magazines, books, social networks, scripts, notebooks and napkins if there are no other places to write for you.

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