

Twitter Throws Accusations at Microsoft, Citing Improper Handling of User Data

Elon Musk is still going strong.

Twitter Throws Accusations at Microsoft, Citing Improper Handling of User Data
Pedro Domínguez

Pedro Domínguez

  • Updated:

Elon Musk, considered by some as Twitter‘s biggest enemy (yes, his own company), continues to “make friends”. Through his personal lawyer, Alex Spiro, the “entrepreneur” has sent a letter on behalf of Twitter to Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, accusing the tech giant of violating the social network’s developer agreement.


In this letter, echoed by The Verge via The New York Times, Spiro claims that Microsoft would have violated “multiple provisions” of Twitter’s developer agreement “over a long period of time.”

Microsoft was until recently using the Twitter API in various Bing products and services, Xbox and its advertising platform, operating as many as “eight separate Twitter API applications.” APIs that went out the window as soon as Twitter made the APIs fee-based and Microsoft, which decided not to pay for them, removed support for them, including the ability to share video clips on Twitter.

The letter sent by Twitter claims that Microsoft allegedly violated Twitter’s developer agreement after using the API for “unauthorized uses and purposes” and without informing Twitter of “any use cases for six of the eight Microsoft apps it continued to operate until last month.”

Musk’s attorney alleges that the agreement with Twitter requires Microsoft’s full cooperation and requests a “compliance audit” for each of the eight apps until April 2023, when Microsoft removed integrations with those APIs. In addition, Spiro demands that, by June 7, it be provided with information about all of the apps, as well as Twitter’s data usage.


Although Musk threatened in April to sue Microsoft over the issue, for the time being Twitter has not taken any legal action against the company, which claims to have received the brief and to be “reviewing its requests” to “respond appropriately.”

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Pedro Domínguez

Pedro Domínguez

Publicist and audiovisual producer in love with social networks. I spend more time thinking about which videogames I will play than playing them.

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