‘Cyberpunk 2077’ has been a constant roller coaster ride since its announcement, with Keanu Reeves creating a live meme and generating a lot of discussion: from the hype of its trailers to the disappointment of its release, with the game full of bugs, to the hope of seeing things getting fixed with successive patches until finally reaching its best version. And now, finally, CD Projekt has decided that it is completely finished. It’s about time.
They are no longer in cyber-works
It has only been four years since the release of ‘Cyberpunk 2077’, in the midst of a pandemic, and although there are some workers who are already dedicating themselves to giving the first touches to its sequel (called ‘Orion’ as a working title), the truth is that there is no longer anyone supervising the original game. Unless a catastrophe suddenly occurs, the game is more than finished.
It has been a path of thorns rather than roses, but the story of ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ and how it managed to go from the landfill to recognition is one that will go down in history books. Even its first DLC, ‘Phantom Liberty’, delighted the public and captivated the critics. It’s not easy to change so many opinions when everyone has decided to bleed their next victim.
Devastating criticisms have turned into praises, the game’s rough style and its bugs have transformed into visual beauty, and suddenly, the audience is once again open to a possible sequel and to that universe opening up again through movies, television, comics, and video games. Now, it only remains for all the workers who have left ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ in search of greener pastures to be on board once again.