

The remake of Silent Hill 2 could arrive much sooner than we expected

Silent Hill 2 could have a release date very soon, as it now has an age rating, which clears up some doubts.

The remake of Silent Hill 2 could arrive much sooner than we expected
Álvaro Arbonés

Álvaro Arbonés

  • Updated:

There are few more reliable ways to know that we are facing an imminent game release date than the fact that it is age-rated. It needs to be basically finished for testing by rating agencies, and they need that rating for it to be allowed for sale. That’s why, when a game rating appears, we know that its announcement is imminent.

That’s what happened with Silent Hill 2 Remake, as pointed out by the Twitter user Wario64, it has already been rated by the ESRB. It has been given a Mature rating, the one immediately prior to Adults Only, defining the game as having scenes of gore, sexual content, and explicit violence, as well as profanity and references to cases of sexual abuse. Something that was to be expected, considering the content of the original game.

Although we still don’t have a release date for Silent Hill 2 Remake, since it already has an age rating, it is expected that its announcement will happen soon. And with a bit of luck, it will be released before the end of this 2024. Even if it is a game that has been controversial since its announcement.

Silent Hill 2 Remake DOWNLOAD
Álvaro Arbonés

Álvaro Arbonés

Cultural journalist and writer with a special interest in audiovisuals and everything that can be played. I'm not here to talk about my books, but you can always ask me about them if you're curious.

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