

Total War: Warhammer’s 10 best tactics

Total War: Warhammer’s 10 best tactics
Leri Koen

Leri Koen

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Total War: Warhammer can be a challenging game for many players. This turn-based strategy game consists of a trilogy of games and a very serious fan base. Players have to control and manage their resources across real-time and turn-based situations, making the game extra challenging. A winning strategy is the only way to ensure success, but what does a winning tactic in Total War: Warhammer look like?

In this article, we’ll be looking at a couple of the best tactics to use in Total War. These tactics apply whether you’re playing the first or the third game in the series. Keep reading to discover new tactics you may not have used before.

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Why do tactics matter in Total War: Warhammer?

In any strategy game, it’s all about the tactics you use. You have to plan your moves carefully and always stay ahead of the competition. Real wars can be won or lost based purely on the strategies used, and the same goes for this game. However, a good strategy needs a fast thinker to implement as the enemy’s moves can change suddenly, which may require a change in your strategy. So rulers and generals also need to be versatile and adaptable to new situations. 

While tactics aren’t critical to enjoy Total War: Warhammer, they can make a massive difference in your game experience. In a game with so many different facets, factions, ability maps, and game modes, it is wise for players to take advantage of any edge they can get. Being armed with just a few simple strategies can make a big difference, especially when playing online multiplayer. If you want to know more about the game, you can read our Total War: Warhammer III review.

Total War: Warhammer’s 10 best tactics

10 Best tactics to use in Total War: Warhammer

You don’t have to study war strategies and read tons of books to play Total War. Keeping a few simple tactics in mind can make a big difference in your game. Let’s look at a few of the best tactics to use in Total War: Warhammer.

Don’t underestimate flanking and use ‘hammer and anvil’ tactics

Flanking has always been a useful war tactic that allows a group of your units around the sides to attack the enemy from behind. The ‘Hammer and Anvil’ approach consists of a group of units, usually infantry units, encountering the enemy head-on. This section is known as the anvil. Then another group of units, usually cavalry, will flank the enemy units and attack them from behind, becoming the hammer. This is a useful tactic for quickly breaking up an infantry attack. This tactic is also more effective with stronger units in your hammer section.

Make as much money as you can in Total War: Warhammer

A serious strategy game like Total War is no place for handouts. In the game, you have to carefully manage your resources as they are required to build and train your units. While it may be tempting to help someone out, remember that every move you make has a cost attached. As such, you’re better off not doing anything for free. If you’re dealing with other factions and diplomacy, make sure to make some money off it. The same goes when you declare war. Chances are the faction you’re going against already has other enemies. Why not join them and make some money and allies while also taking out the enemy faction? 

Total War: Warhammer’s 10 best tactics

Don’t underestimate your missile units

Missile units like archers are some of the most popular units in Total War. There is a reason for this. These often cheap units are versatile and, when used strategically, can become a formidable enemy. If you protect your missile units, you may notice them taking down other missile units, infantry, cavalry, monsters, and flying units. While missile units may not be strong enough to take down the toughest units and heroes, they can still inflict a serious amount of damage, giving your other units a better chance at success. 

Garrisons are useful

Once the game gets into a good flow, and you’ve won a few battles, spending your resources on improvements in your kingdom may be tempting. Perhaps you’re thinking of building an extra market, or maybe a sake den? Before you start spending your resources, think about getting a garrison instead. Garrisons are upkeep-free armies, and they can be very versatile as well. Garrisons can also provide walls for smaller settlements that may be prime targets for our enemies. 

Use ‘bait and ambush’ tactics to lure armies from the safety of settlements

Trying to win a battle where your enemy is safe in a settlement and behind walls can be a costly recipe for disaster. So instead of just throwing your units at the walls without a second thought, there is a tactic you can use called the ‘Bait and Ambush’. In this tactic, you will place a full army of units in an ambush stance a little way from the enemy settlement. Next, place a smaller army behind the ambush group but within reinforcement range. The enemy will be lured out by the smaller army and leave the settlement to attack. This is where your ambush army will surprise them and make short work of the battle, and you can claim the settlement. 

Total War: Warhammer’s 10 best tactics

Leave no survivors

This may be a harsh tactic, but sometimes you make harsh decisions in war. Whenever possible, make sure to kill all enemy units on the battleground. If an enemy escapes and returns to their settlement, killing them will be much more difficult once they’re within the walls. Your faster units such as light cavalry, dire-wolves, and war hounds are especially good at tracking any enemies trying to escape.

Use artillery and terrain to your advantage

The terrain is very important in Total War and can be used in any strategy. It’s always best if the enemy travels to you because you have more control over the battle. Artillery units are good for luring enemy units to you so that you can combine the use of artillery units and the terrain as an advantage to your strategy. For example, you can position your army next to a building or mountain to keep the enemy from flanking you, and you can fire at them with your artillery units to have them rush you. Using the terrain and artillery units effectively, you can force enemies to rush up a hill and force them into a chokehold or any number of strategic positions.

Use walls and chokepoints to your advantage

Walls are one of your own best defenses. However, manning an entire wall may not be the smartest idea if your numbers are dwindling. In this case, you might want to consider luring enemies into a chokepoint so you can fight on an equal footing. A chokepoint is a narrowing space that only allows a few units through at a time, giving your units a chance to take out more enemies. You can also use enemy walls to your advantage if you can get your missile units, such as archers, on the walls where they can rain arrows on the enemies below from a fairly safe position.

Use rush gains by staggering wars with periods of peace

You may find yourself in a stalemate with an enemy at some point. In this case, neither one is progressing much. It might be worthwhile to start thinking about negotiating peace as it may be easier to focus on incremental gains such as small wins instead of the big win. During peace, try to focus on rush gains before the enemy has a chance to respond, this way, you slowly whittle down their forces while also gaining small wins in between.

Understand basic relationships between units

One of the most important tactics is knowing the relationships between units. However, that’s only part of the puzzle. You also need to understand what situations can throw these relationships out the window. For example, cavalry units are strong against missile units, sword bearers would beat spear wielders, and spear wielders are strong against cavalry units. But what would happen if spear wielders protected your missile units? Would the cavalry units still win? This is why it’s important to understand the basic relationships to combine compatible units to form a well-rounded army where the strengths of certain units cover the weaknesses of others and vice versa.

Total War: Warhammer’s 10 best tactics

Become the ultimate Total War: Warhammer strategist

Total War: Warhammer is an entertaining game that requires a bit of strategy and planning to win. However, if you understand and know a few basic tactics, such as luring your enemies out of settlements to you and using the terrain to your advantage, you’ll already be on the right road to victory.

Leri Koen

Leri Koen

Born and raised in South Africa I am the mother of two busy kids and one loving husband. Since leaving school I immediately started working and have been involved in many different industries where I learned a wide range of skills. Some of my skills range from marketing to management and even teaching special needs children, particularly those with severe developmental delays. I am a self-proclaimed holiday nut, taking any chance I can get to decorate and celebrate major holidays such as Easter, Halloween and Christmas, often planning these months in advance! I have a wide range of passions that I persue (as often as I can) such as reading, writing, bonsai, crafting, creating natural beauty products, listening to music and playing games (prefered platforms being PC and Xbox).

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