

What’s coming for Apex Legends in its version 2.34?

A small update designed to fix errors.

What’s coming for Apex Legends in its version 2.34?
Guillermo Proupín

Guillermo Proupín

  • Updated:

Apex Legends is one of the most popular games in recent years, with thousands of players connecting daily to spend time in its servers. Several articles have been dedicated to providing tips for players in this digital realm. This high level of engagement from the player base raises the bar for Respawn Entertainment, its development team. Consequently, updates to bring new content or fix bugs are a regular occurrence. On this occasion, a set of corrections has been introduced, most likely to be appreciated by the community, as they address issues caused by the last event held at the end of September.

A series of unexpected problems

With the latest Apex Legends Collection Event, Omens, which ended a few days ago, players noticed the introduction of a new limited-time mode, an altered version of World’s End, and a plethora of exclusive collection items and skins. However, despite the event bringing some balance adjustments and bug fixes, the community is experiencing new bugs. This is actually quite common in this type of game, so ongoing maintenance is necessary.

The latest update addresses bug fixes that players have encountered in recent weeks. One of the most noticeable issues was on the Nintendo Switch, where blurry graphics appeared after the 18.1.0 update. Another problem was related to missing text associated with some buttons, even though the buttons were still functional. Additionally, the replay systems could cause the game to crash, which was a more serious issue.

These are just three of the most reported issues, but there are several more awaiting a solution, such as stuttering when playing at over 165 frames per second or a crash under the code FS_CheckAsyncRequest during map loading. However, with a bit of luck, all of these issues will be resolved very soon.

Guillermo Proupín

Guillermo Proupín

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