

Do you want to improve the autonomy of your Samsung Galaxy? You can do it

The best tips to improve your smartphone battery life.

Do you want to improve the autonomy of your Samsung Galaxy? You can do it
Guillermo Proupín

Guillermo Proupín

  • Updated:

Samsung does a lot of things right. The Z Fold devices are getting better and better, and what we know about the Galaxy S24 looks very promising. However, you might not want to change your smartphone so quickly, or you might feel that your Samsung Galaxy phone doesn’t have the battery life it should. Nevertheless, there are ways to extend your battery life just by using the One UI settings, the Android interface used by Samsung devices. This interface includes numerous options within its settings so that it doesn’t do anything you don’t want it to, or at least, nothing you don’t need it to do.

Screen, lock, and system settings for better battery health

The first one, however, is something you don’t even need to have a Samsung phone for because all smartphones (or almost all) have this capability: use dark mode. Dark mode, especially in low brightness conditions, consumes much less power than brighter options. Similarly, you should look for the additional brightness option and turn it off, and if you’re not using the phone for gaming, lower the refresh rate to 60 Hz, which significantly consumes less power.

If you’ve ever thought that the clock that always shows up when you lock the screen is annoying… It probably is. It’s called ‘always on display,’ and you can either completely disable it or enable the tap to show option. After all, if you’re going to unlock the phone every time you want to check the time, you’ll end up consuming more power.

You should also uninstall anything you don’t use or won’t use anymore. Additionally, disable pre-installed apps that you can’t uninstall and don’t want running in the background. Similarly, go to Battery > Usage limits and enable the option to Suspend unused apps. This is crucial to prevent the phone from consuming power in the background.

There are many more options, but these are the main ones you should take care of to improve your device’s battery life.

Guillermo Proupín

Guillermo Proupín

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