

Which new champions will appear in Arcane Season 2? Everything we know so far

The mystery about the League of Legends series remains unsolved.

Which new champions will appear in Arcane Season 2? Everything we know so far
Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

  • Updated:

A few days ago, the release date of the second season of Arcane was revealed. In November 2024, the Netflix series based on the League of Legends universe will have a new batch of episodes, and thus we will be able to break the three-year wait since the first season premiered.


But what surprises will season 2 of Arcane bring us? Considering that the world of League of Legends is huge, practically anything could happen in multiple cities. Building on established storylines, many new champions and other characters from the LoL lore could be added. And who is most likely to appear from the entire roster of the video game?

Which League of Legends champions will be coming to Arcane soon?

First of all, let’s ask ourselves about the locations. The world of LoL is huge, but for now we have stayed in Piltover and Zaun as the main cities. If we continue like this, we will keep getting to know Viktor until we reach the phase we know him in the video game, just like it happens with Vi, Jinx, and Caitlyn. Beyond them, it is expected that Singed will have more importance, and what we saw at the end of Season 1 makes it clear that Warwick is coming.


Beyond that, many fans argue that Blitzcrank will appear in the second season, as this steam golem was created by Viktor according to the original canon. And the crows that observe Jinx during several episodes suggest that we will be able to see Swain and/or Noxus and Darius sooner or later. All of this remains to be seen, of course, but we already have some clues about what may be coming soon to the original Netflix series.

Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

Cultural journalist specialized in film, series, comics, video games, and everything your parents tried to keep you away from during your childhood. Also an aspiring film director, screenwriter, and professional troublemaker.

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