

Is Wheel of Time Destined to Be the Next Game of Thrones? Not So Fast

There is a fundamental difference between the two works

Is Wheel of Time Destined to Be the Next Game of Thrones? Not So Fast
Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

  • Updated:

The Wheel of Time is one of Amazon Prime Video’s major forays into fantasy. Beyond The Rings of Power, its highest-investment series from the universe of The Lord of the Rings, the adaptation of Robert Jordan’s books stands as another of its significant pillars in the realm of fantasy.

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The series is about to enter its second season, and despite being a massive success, there are many who still compare it to Game of Thrones, the medieval series that remains a major point of reference for viewers in this genre. But is Wheel of Time truly a new Game of Thrones? Part of the cast has spoken about it in GameSpot, and it’s evident that it’s something quite different.

A series with a focus on diversity

“In reality, Robert Jordan was the bridge between JRR Tolkien and George RR Martin. I believe what made him stand out at that time, and still does, is his exploration of how the world looks with women who wield the greatest power on Earth and are the guardians of that power,” states Rosamund Pike.

“But his interest isn’t solely in women; it’s in disrupting the man who will ultimately either doom or save the world: Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn,” Pike adds. “I think the diversity of his character cast is truly astonishing. The way so many women, often feeling excluded from fantasy, can see themselves in a myriad of captivating roles is something that sets this series apart.”

Undoubtedly, Pike makes it clear that the diversity and feminism within this work set it apart by a considerable margin from previous as well as even some more contemporary works that have enjoyed success, including the likes of Game of Thrones itself.

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Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

Cultural journalist specialized in film, series, comics, video games, and everything your parents tried to keep you away from during your childhood. Also an aspiring film director, screenwriter, and professional troublemaker.

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