

This rare check signed by Steve Jobs is being auctioned for a record-breaking amount

A check made out to Steven Jobs.

This rare check signed by Steve Jobs is being auctioned for a record-breaking amount
David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

  • Updated:

Among collectors of technological memorabilia, few items generate as much interest as those related to industry pioneers, particularly those associated with Apple. This week, a check signed by Steve Jobs, the legendary co-founder of Apple, has taken the spotlight as it reaches record-breaking figures in an auction.


More than $25,000 for a check of just over $4

The check in question, issued by Apple Computer Company and signed by “Steven Jobs” on July 23, 1976, is more than just a bank paper; it’s a testament to the humble beginnings of one of the most influential companies in the world. With a face value of just $4.01, this check was directed to RadioShack, a crucial establishment in Apple’s early history.

The significance of RadioShack in Apple’s development cannot be underestimated. It was in this electronics haven where Steve Wozniak, Apple’s co-founder, obtained the Micro Computer TRS-80, essential for building his famous ‘blue box’. This device, capable of making long-distance phone calls for free, was not only a product of Wozniak’s ingenious mind but also marked the beginning of his partnership with Jobs. Together, they managed to sell about 200 ‘blue boxes’, laying the groundwork for what would eventually become Apple. Jobs himself acknowledged that without Wozniak’s ‘blue boxes’, Apple would never have existed.

At the time Jobs issued the check, he and Wozniak were immersed in developing the Apple-1, a computer that would become iconic. A total of 50 units were sold to The Byte Shop in Mountain View, California, and around 200 were manufactured in total. Steve Jobs himself wrote the first advertisement for the Apple-1.

The interest in this check reflects the fascination with Apple’s early days, a time when innovation and ingenuity were the norm. At the time of writing, the check has received 23 bids and the price has reached $25,000, with expectations that it will surpass $28,000 before the auction ends on December 6.


Remembering Tim Cook’s words, “Steve Jobs was original, only he could have created Apple,” it’s clear that this check is not just a piece of paper; it’s a fragment of technological history and a reminder of how small actions can have a monumental impact. For technology history enthusiasts and collectors, it represents a unique opportunity to own a piece of Apple’s legend and its visionary founders.

David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

Architect | Founder of | Apple Technologies Trainer | Writer at Softonic and iDoo_tech, formerly at Applesfera

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