

Gordon Ramsay on Alexa

Gordon Ramsay on Alexa
Softonic Editorial Team

Softonic Editorial Team

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Source: Youtube

This year’s Super Bowl ads introduced us to some truly delicious concepts like a new Crocodile Dundee movie, a rapping Morgan Freeman, the fact that Danny DeVito might be an M&M in human form, and a spine-tingling Anthony Hopkins version of Alexa. A not so delicious idea to come from this year’s crop of Super Bowl ads, however, is the Gordon Ramsay app for Alexa.

First seen in the Amazon Super Bowl ad telling some poor Echo user that the recipe for a Grilled Cheese Sandwich is in the ****ing name, The Gordon Ramsay Alexa app has been extended, and it is as brutal as you would expect. If you have been on Ramsay’s Twitter feed recently, you will know how his Alexa app works. For reasons unbeknownst to you or I, people are lining up, on Twitter, to send the celebrity chef pictures of their culinary creations so that he can offer them some feedback. Spoiler alert for those who have not already seen this, he does not offer constructive criticism. Ramsay’s Alexa app works in much the same way. You ask him what he thinks of your dish, and he tells you.

If you are a glutton for punishment, try the Gordon Ramsay Alexa app for yourself.

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