

Protecting Your Eyesight: A Guide to Activating the Eye Care Feature in iOS 17

A function to create good habits.

Protecting Your Eyesight: A Guide to Activating the Eye Care Feature in iOS 17
David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

  • Updated:

In the latest version of Apple’s operating systems, iOS 17 and iPadOS 17, a new functionality has been introduced that takes care of our eyesight. The feature, simply called “Screen Distance,” alerts us when we hold our iPhone or iPad too close to our eyes for an extended period of time. With this measure, Apple aims to promote healthy viewing habits, especially among children, and reduce the risk of myopia and overall eye fatigue.


“The iPhone is too close”

The Screen Distance system can be activated within the Settings app. Specifically, we need to go to the section called Screen Time > Screen Distance. Here, Apple provides an explanation of the tool’s purpose. After tapping “Continue,” it informs us that the appropriate distance is a minimum of 30 centimeters and briefly explains how the system works. Then, we tap on “Enable Screen Distance” to start using this functionality.

This system is available on all iPhone models and iPad Pro devices that have Face ID and support iOS 17 and iPadOS 17. The technology underlying this feature is the TrueDepth camera, the same technology that enables Face ID functionality. It is capable of measuring the distance between the screen and our eyes. If it detects that we are holding the device closer than 30 cm to our eyes for an extended period of time (approximately a couple of minutes), a full-screen alert will be sent, asking us to move the device away. Upon doing so, a “Continue” button will appear, allowing us to continue using our iPhone or iPad.

The feature, which is available on iPhone XS and later models, as well as the 2018 and later 11-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pro models, needs to be manually activated. Apple leaves it up to us whether we want to use it or not. In any case, this feature emphasizes once again, along with the mood tracking feature, the company’s commitment to health and well-being. By promoting healthy habits, it is clear that it is possible to combine the use of technology with good health, in this case, eye health. It’s a small but significant change for iPhone and iPad users, especially for the younger ones, as we now have an additional aid to take care of our vision while enjoying our devices.


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David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

Architect | Founder of | Apple Technologies Trainer | Writer at Softonic and iDoo_tech, formerly at Applesfera

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