

Never Miss a Beat: Prolonging Siri’s Listening Time for Comprehensive Voice Commands

Hey Siri, listen to me for a second, please.

Never Miss a Beat: Prolonging Siri’s Listening Time for Comprehensive Voice Commands
David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

  • Updated:

Nowadays, when speed and efficiency are essential, virtual assistants have become indispensable companions. Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, has integrated into our daily lives, helping us perform tasks, obtain quick answers, and streamline many of our daily activities. However, at times, Siri might seem a bit impatient, cutting us off before we’ve finished formulating our questions or giving instructions. Fortunately, resolving this is quite simple.

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Two options when talking with Siri

First, let’s set the context. How many times have we tried to ask Siri a question, and our favorite assistant responds prematurely? Not always, undoubtedly, but certain environments, specific noisy settings, or interruptions in the request can cause Siri to start answering sooner than we would expect.

It’s important to note that Siri’s response to our requests, in terms of listening time, depends entirely on how we activate the assistant:

  1. Pressing the corresponding button: If we are the type to activate Siri through the side button or the home button on our devices, there’s a quick and extremely simple solution to interruptions. Just make sure to keep the button pressed while we speak. Siri will continue to listen as long as we hold down the button. Once we’ve finished our query, we release the button, and Siri will process the information.
  2. Using the “Hey Siri” command: Many users prefer the voice command “Hey Siri” to activate the assistant without touching their devices. This is where the possibility of Siri interrupting us arises, as the assistant waits for a pause to consider the request complete. A pause that we don’t always consciously make, but one that Siri has to interpret as the end of our interaction with it.

Configuring Siri timeout settings

In this second scenario, using “Hey Siri” to communicate with our assistant, is where we can take action to avoid interruptions. It’s worth noting that the system is calibrated to analyze pauses correctly in normal speech. However, whether due to a slightly slower speaking pace or potential ambient noises affecting the results, we can adjust the silence detection. Here are the steps to do so, based on accessibility settings:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Go to the Accessibility section.
  3. At the bottom, tap on Siri.
  4. Under the “Siri Pause Time” heading, choose between Default, Longer, or Longest.

By making these changes, Siri will give us more time to speak whenever we activate it using the “Hey Siri” command. This setting won’t modify activation through the button, which stops listening the moment we release it. For direct interaction with the assistant, without using buttons, this adjustment is particularly useful for those moments when we need a little extra time to think before finishing our complete question or instruction.

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The technologies and tools we use daily, especially those from Apple, are designed to adapt to us, not the other way around. From Cupertino, they are aware of the different needs and communication styles of users, and that’s precisely why they provide customization options that allow Siri to become an even more useful and efficient assistant. With some simple adjustments, we can ensure that Siri listens to us completely, thus ensuring a smoother and more productive experience when asking questions or making requests to our favorite assistant.

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David Bernal Raspall

David Bernal Raspall

Architect | Founder of | Apple Technologies Trainer | Writer at Softonic and iDoo_tech, formerly at Applesfera

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