

The AI has resurrected one of the most famous comedians in history to make a terrible one-hour special

The comedy you never asked for, now available!

The AI has resurrected one of the most famous comedians in history to make a terrible one-hour special
Randy Meeks

Randy Meeks

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George Carlin was a genius. He was when he started doing comedy in 1960 and he was when he left physical humor to become the king of political and vulgar humor. His were the famous “Seven dirty words” that couldn’t be said on stage or on television that broke molds and changed humor forever. Carlin said “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups”, and he was absolutely right. Especially when those stupid people are sponsored by the Internet.


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The comedian died at the age of 71 in 2008, leaving behind an incredible and unique legacy. A memory that has now been brought back from the grave to imitate him using Artificial Intelligence without asking permission from anyone. ‘I’m glad to be dead’ is the title of the one-hour comedy special released by the little-known podcast Dudesy, formed by novelist Chad Kultgen and MadTV actor Will Sasso.

What makes your podcast unique is that it is written with artificial intelligence, as if trying to prove that it is capable of doing what it is not remotely capable of doing. Personally, I endured five minutes before removing it because it feels weird, like if a bad George Carlin impersonator tried to copy his style but without any humor.

The comedian’s daughter has said on Twitter that the family has not given any kind of permission for this special to be carried out: “My father spent a lifetime perfecting his art from his human life, his brain and imagination. No machine will ever replace his genius. These AI-generated products are attempts to recreate a mind that will never exist again, emphasizing that if you want to listen to George Carlin, there are 14 comedy specials written, performed, sweated, and cried by him.

Of course, there have been a few who have come out to defend AI in this case and accusing the comedian’s daughter of being “greedy”, without turning a blind eye to what they are doing or showing the slightest appreciation for human life. The path ahead of us is rocky and can lead to absolutely terrifying moments if we don’t stop it in time. It’s in our hands.

Randy Meeks

Randy Meeks

Editor specializing in pop culture who writes for websites, magazines, books, social networks, scripts, notebooks and napkins if there are no other places to write for you.

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