

Nightmare Fuel: AI Creates Terrifying Pizza Ad

Lo han conseguido: ahora odiamos la pizza

Nightmare Fuel: AI Creates Terrifying Pizza Ad
Randy Meeks

Randy Meeks

  • Updated:

Artificial intelligence can do creative things, yes. The question we should be asking ourselves is whether we want it to do them, because the results when it has no human control are, so far… Terrifying. The infinite ‘Seinfeld’ who streamed on Twitch, ended up spouting transphobic jokes and earned himself a ban from the platform will go down in history. Now a new sample of a nightmarish dystopian future appears with the fake pizza ad that will appear in your nightmares.


Pizza from hell

This ad was created with ChatGPT-4 for the script, using Midjourney for the images, Runway Gen2 for the video clips, Eleven Labs for the voiceover, Soundraw AI Music for the soundtrack and Adobe After Effects for editing and graphics. We don’t know if we’ll ever see this kind of credits in movies instead of actors, directors and editors, but what is clear is that the result is, by all accounts, creepy.

“Are you ready for the best pizza ever?” says a male voice as a boy tries to eat a slice through his upper lip. It’s just the beginning of a fake spot in which we have smoke coming out of an arm, people eating cardboard and the tagline “Pepperoni Hug Spot: like family, but with more cheese.” If we are positive about the future, it is a first step towards a future where ads are simpler and cheaper to make. If not, it’s a sign of how AI has a long way to go before it takes our jobs.

The author, Pizza Later, has opened a website so you can buy merchandising (well, a couple of T-shirts) and find out what the heck this is all about. In his own words, “We make delicious pizza slices with love and extra pepperoni. Our dough is like a fluffy pillow for the most delicious toppings to nap on.” With “the secret is in the dough” I was already convinced, IA, really.

Randy Meeks

Randy Meeks

Editor specializing in pop culture who writes for websites, magazines, books, social networks, scripts, notebooks and napkins if there are no other places to write for you.

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