

Google’s real-time location is here: this is how it works

Only available for native Android users

Google’s real-time location is here: this is how it works
Daniel García

Daniel García

  • Updated:

Google’s real-time location is now a reality. This is a feature that only pure Android users (without manufacturer customization layers) will be able to enjoy, but it will still provide the possibility for millions of users to enjoy this service without the need to install any third-party applications, something that until now was essential if you wanted to use a function like this.

The real-time location, in fact, has been available for many years in widely used applications such as WhatsApp, which allows sending real-time location in batches of 15 minutes, 60 minutes or 8 hours, depending on the duration of the trip or the time spent outside and that you want to share. However, this time, for this functionality, those who have native Android on their devices will be able to do it through Google’s services and applications.

Contacts Download

How to activate real-time location

The real-time location feature of Google Contacts had already been announced in recent weeks, although it had not yet been implemented. In fact, it has been activated in a fairly silent move by the company, which has not publicly updated this fact regarding its service, even though it has already happened.

And its operation is very simple: simply, by meeting the requirement that that user is mutually added to the Google account, by clicking on their contact card, you will have a “share location” button, which allows you to send a specific or real-time location. In addition, unlike other competitors, in this application you can keep this function enabled indefinitely, allowing for a more convenient usability that you can deactivate whenever you want.

Google Maps driving mode
Google Maps will collaborate with the Contacts app to offer real-time location service

On the other hand, it also allows you to limit the time that the real-time location is sent within specific time frames, if you prefer it to be automatically deactivated after the desired time has passed. However, thanks to the indefinite option, you will also have the option to deactivate it when you consider it appropriate without being limited to specific hours.

Google’s changes regarding privacy

The changes that Google has recently made to improve user privacy have also been quite remarkable. For example, the storage of Google Maps information, which has been synchronized in the cloud for many years, now is stored on the user’s device. The user will have the freedom to sync or not this information if they consider it appropriate or unnecessary. In this way, Google provides users with more freedom than ever in managing their personal data.

Contacts Download
Daniel García

Daniel García

Graduated in Journalism, Daniel specializes in video games and technology, currently writing for Andro4all and NaviGames, and having written for more Difoosion portals such as Alfa Beta Juega or Urban Tecno. He enjoys staying up-to-date with current affairs, as well as reading, video games, and any other form of cultural expression

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