

Before the Invasion: Tracing Nick Fury’s Path in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

A Nick Fury tired of fighting but back in top form

Before the Invasion: Tracing Nick Fury’s Path in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

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Secret Invasion is Marvel Studios‘ highly anticipated upcoming series, serving as the launchpad for Phase 5 on television and the first to arrive on Disney Plus this year. Its significance cannot be understated, as it will lay the groundwork for the future Avengers: Secret Wars and reveal the events that have unfolded since the Skrull invasion on Earth, as depicted in Captain Marvel.


However, the true purpose of the series is to delve into the story of Nick Fury like never before. Secret Invasion will provide an in-depth exploration of his character. From what we know, the series will take place in the “present” of the Marvel Studios timeline, which is set in 2025—thanks to the time jump caused by Thanos’ snap. It will be situated alongside Ant-Man 3 and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Given the shared characters with the latter, it is likely set shortly after the events of that film.

We also know that the series will serve as a bridge to The Marvels, the upcoming major film from Marvel Studios that will feature Captain Marvel once again, this time alongside Ms. Marvel and Monica Rambeau. But where exactly does Nick Fury stand during Secret Invasion? That remains to be seen.

What has happened to Nick Fury during all this time?

During the press conference for Secret Invasion, Samuel L. Jackson revealed the state of Nick Fury in the series. It’s important to note that we know very little about his whereabouts after Thanos’ snap, as we only saw him briefly at Tony Stark’s funeral and in Spider-Man: Far From Home, where he was actually a Skrull impersonating Fury. Here’s what the actor had to say about Fury’s evolution:

“This is my second appearance after the snap. He’s been away for a while. He’s a bit tired, a little vulnerable, but he’s back on Earth because he’s been summoned. We’ll see what happens, he’s got a bad knee now, he’s not so happy about it.”

It’s important to note that Nick Fury has undergone a significant evolution throughout his appearances. In Captain Marvel, he was a young and hopeful character with a constant smile on his face, while in the recent Avengers films, he became a gruff individual whom everything seemed to be against. It appears that we will see a grumpier version of Fury than ever before, someone who feels older but still knows he has a mission to fulfill regardless.


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Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

Cultural journalist specialized in film, series, comics, video games, and everything your parents tried to keep you away from during your childhood. Also an aspiring film director, screenwriter, and professional troublemaker.

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