

Mappa has just confirmed the remake of one of the greatest classics in anime history

Mappa has confirmed that they are working on a remake of Ashita no Joe, a very famous work in Japan, but we won't see it released soon.

Mappa has just confirmed the remake of one of the greatest classics in anime history
Álvaro Arbonés

Álvaro Arbonés

  • Updated:

Classics are classics for a reason. We continue to read Shakespeare because he still speaks to our concerns, anxieties, and emotions. We read Cervantes because he is still hilarious and expresses the difficulty of facing a reality that has left us behind. And this is no different in manga and anime. There are great works that we don’t forget no matter how much time passes. Like, for example, Ashita no Joe.

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With script by Tetsuya Chiba and artwork by Asao Takamori, the manga extended for 20 volumes between 1968 and 1973, creating a huge cultural impact both inside and outside the manga industry. Its anime, directed by the legendary Osamu Dezaki, would end up turning its protagonist, Joe Yabuki, into a true cult icon in Japan. And not without reason.

At the end of the day, Joe is a person who is easy to grow fond of. He is a charismatic ruffian with an innate ability for boxing who consistently refuses to train or fight until he is backed into a corner. Getting himself into serious trouble, we are always waiting to see what his next kick will be. Or the next time he surprises us in the ring.

Recently, the MAPPA studio has confirmed that they are going to make a remake of the anime called The Ashita no Joe. With a contemporary style, but respecting its design, we have barely been able to see two images of it, because its release date is not exactly close: it is scheduled for 2025.

Even if we have to wait at least a year to see this anime materialize, this is one of the big announcements of 2023. If not the biggest announcement of the year. Mappa is the people behind Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, and Chainsaw Man, making a remake of one of the most legendary animes in history. If not the most legendary. More than enough reason to get excited and be very attentive to what comes out, since, without a doubt, we will have more news about it throughout the upcoming 2024.

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Álvaro Arbonés

Álvaro Arbonés

Cultural journalist and writer with a special interest in audiovisuals and everything that can be played. I'm not here to talk about my books, but you can always ask me about them if you're curious.

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